Two men died when a small plane crashed in the Alb-Donau district. According to the police on Sunday, this is the 57-year-old owner of the machine, who, according to a spokesman, was considered an experienced and reliable pilot.

He piloted the plane. On board was a 20-year-old who was a member of a flying club. The two are not related, said the police spokesman.

According to the information, the crashed machine is a single-engine sports aircraft that started in Donzdorf (Göppingen district) and was designed for aerobatics. There was initially no evidence that the machine was being used accordingly.

According to the information, witnesses observed early on Saturday afternoon how the plane began to spin and crashed into a forest near Altheim (Alb). According to the investigation, the machine only caught fire on impact, the spokesman said. Firefighters extinguished the burning wreckage. Only the soot-blackened remains of the plane could be seen at the crash site.

The police spokesman was unable to provide any information on the cause of the crash. Experts from the Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation and the criminal police investigated. The spokesman was unable to say on Sunday how quickly results could be expected.
