The Catholics, especially in the South of Bavaria commit to this Saturday, the traditional feast of the assumption range. Because of the Corona-crisis a lot this year is, however, different: So Maria Vespers in the Swabian pilgrimage destination image, where normally thousands to participate in a light procession, only 500 participants allowed. “By floor markings, the distances to be clearly regulated,” says the pilgrimage on its website. During the procession, the mouth protection should be worn.

What is celebrated on assumption day?

the Festival commemorates the “bodily assumption of Mary into heaven”. This is described in the Bible, but was announced in 1950 as the last Catholic Dogma by Pope Pius XII. In this with the highest authority written infallible teaching and belief, it is, among other things, that “the Immaculate, ever-virgin mother of God, Mary was recorded after the end of her earthly life, body and soul into heavenly glory.”

According to Catholic doctrine, the soul lives on after death, while the body is resurrected on the day of judgement. The immediate bodily assumption of Mary is a special privilege that the prominent role of the mother of God emphasized. Pope Benedict XVI has once phrased it this way: “We believe that Mary, like Christ her son, the death is already defeated.”

What is the main difference to the ascension of Christ?

Christ rises from its own power up to God, Mary is taken up to the sky. In German both of these assumption is called, in Latin, the difference is clear between the “Assumptio Mariae” (adoption, assumption of Mary) and “Ascensio Christi” (up Christ) are on the rise.

Since when is assumption of Mary celebrated?

The Festival has its origin in the Eastern Church, where it was introduced in the year 431. In the 6. Century follow first legendary representations. In the Roman Church of the assumption of Mary into heaven is for the 7. Century, celebrated in Germany since the age of 9. Century.

In the Council of Trent (1545-1563) was the doctrine of the assumption of Mary are an integral part of the Church’s doctrine, before it was collected in 1950, even to the Dogma.

Where is the assumption a public holiday?

In Germany> work only in Saarland </strong free, as well as in wide Parts of the Bavarian . The Feast of the assumption is in 1,704 K of a total of 2,056 municipalities in Bavaria a public holiday. While in upper and lower Bavaria is the same in all municipalities, the in upper and middle Franconia for the most not Only in large Parts of upper and Central Franconia, with a Protestant majority, it is not a public holiday. This was determined according to the results of the census of 2011. In the Evangelical Church of the assumption is not a special feast day.

surf tip: Catholic holiday – opening Hours of Rewe, Edeka on 15.8.: Where supermarkets have open – where

In most of the municipalities of the Evangelical-dominated government of upper Franconia and Central Franconia districts assumption, however, is not a holiday, only 46.3 percent, respectively, 18.1 percent of the municipalities the majority of us are Catholic.

What are the major cities in Bavaria have

In five of the eight Bavarian cities is assumption day, a public holiday. While the people in Munich, Augsburg, Würzburg, Regensburg and Ingolstadt on a free day can look forward to, the citizens of Nuremberg, Fürth and Erlangen in the cold. This year, the many workers is not likely to stand out however, so, if the holiday falls on a Saturday.

How does it look like abroad?

In Austria and in Liechtenstein is the 15. August country-wide statutory holiday, as well as in eight cantons of Switzerland. In another seven cantons, the work is in a number of municipalities.

in addition, the assumption is in many other Catholic countries throughout the world holiday, in Europe, in Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal and Spain.

And as noted by the Pope in Rome?

Pope Francis prays at lunch as on Sundays and holidays is common on St. Peter’s square for the Angelus prayer with the faithful. 15. August in Italy is not only assumption, but also “Ferragosto”, a holiday in Rome almost everything is at a standstill.

The term goes back to the pagan “Feriae Augusti” (holiday of Augustus), from the first century ad. The Roman Emperor Augustus (63 BC-14 ad) had granted on this date to his subjects the privilege of a free Tags.

What are the traditions associated with the Festival?

In Catholic regions of Germany are consecrate to the even as “the great women’s day” well-known Festival, especially light processions and Herbs popular. Up to 77 different herbs and plants are collected, bound into so-called bunches together and blessed. They are then hung, often in the house, where they are supposed to help against disease, Storms and lightning, or they are mixed sick animals under the lining.

according to legend, the Disciples opened the tomb of Mary, and found not her body, but the blooming flowers and herbs. It has developed the Tradition of herbal blessing. Today is derived from this, often, the appeal to respect the nature and its beauty and healing power stronger.

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