Iñaki Arechabaleta and two of those who will be his directors if he wins the elections – Enrique Asla and Mario Fernández – went to Ibaigane this Tuesday to collect the documentation to present the signatures that will lead him to officially become a candidate for the Ibaigane chair. Until then, the Deusto executive has begun to take the first steps. This Tuesday it launched its website (www.arechabaletataldea.eus), this Wednesday it will inaugurate its electoral headquarters – located at 3 Gregorio de la Revilla Street, corner of Plaza Campuzano- and on Thursday -11 a.m.- it will convene in the aforementioned office to the media to officially present his candidacy.

The applicant defines himself on his website as a “close and familiar” person, a member of Athletic for 56 years and with a long professional career in the management of large companies and as a soccer player in non-professional categories. He boasts of having formed a “young and qualified team to lead Athletic” and promises to “give members and supporters the prominence they deserve”.

With the motto ‘The necessary change to continue being unique’ – Barkala’s is ‘Unique, geuria’ – Arechabaleta’s candidacy «guarantees an exciting sports project, to position Lezama as a top-level international educational reference; an ambitious economic project, with the certainty of managing to balance accounts, and an integrating social project, as an active agent of Basque society».