Even if the weather calms down again on Sunday after a changeable and windy Saturday: Spring is not yet in sight, as reported by Magdalena Bertelmann from the weather forecast center of the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach. It can even snow in the mountains on Monday.
The last Sunday in March varies from region to region: in the north, roughly north of a line from Emsland to Berlin, it usually stays dry with loose clouds. Further south, rainfall from the west and south-west spreads eastwards and also reaches Saxony and eastern Bavaria in the late afternoon. While it stays gray almost all day in the middle of Germany, the chance of a few rays of sunshine increases in the south over the course of the day. At 8 to 14 degrees it will be a bit cooler in the region.
Sensitive balcony plants should be covered on Monday night, the meteorologist advises, because light frost is possible then. Area-wise rain turns to snow or sleet. In some sections there is also a risk of ice.
Windy, showery weather is again in the forecast for Monday – with one major difference: instead of rain, it will mostly snow and the maximum values ??will rise to a maximum of 4 to 9 degrees. At high altitudes there can be around 30 centimeters of fresh snow in the Alps and maybe up to 50 centimeters of fresh snow in 24 hours in the Oberallgäu. It’s getting stormy on the North Sea.
During the night of Tuesday, snow falls mainly between the Baltic Sea and the Ore Mountains. The thermometer drops to between -1 and -5 degrees. On Tuesday the temperatures will rise again to 4 to 8 degrees, and to 10 degrees near the Rhine. Then some snow will fall, especially in a strip from the North Sea to the Ore Mountains and on the eastern edge of the Alps.
The interactive map below shows where in Germany it is raining or snowing at the moment. In addition, you can use the timeline at the bottom of the graphic to call up the forecast for a later point in time. At the top right, the displayed level can also be switched to rain or snow, for example.
The service is provided by Windy.com. The makers use the model from the “European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts” for their representations and forecasts. There are also current warnings about the severe weather situation from the German Weather Service.
Watch the video: When the thermostat approaches the freezing point, the heating season begins. An energy expert shows how you can save money in the cold season.
Sources: DWD, DPA