Christian Blex, member of the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament, has filed an organ dispute against his former parliamentary group before the constitutional court of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Blex is a member of the AfD and was expelled from the AfD parliamentary group after a trip to Russia in November 2022, as the Constitutional Court announced in Münster on Thursday. According to the notification, the applicant sees his constitutional rights as a member of parliament violated by the faction exclusion (Az.: VerfGH 25/23 of March 6th, 2023).

Christian Blex from North Rhine-Westphalia traveled to Russia with the state parliamentarians Hans-Thomas Tillschneider and Daniel Wald from Saxony-Anhalt. The plan was to continue to the Donbass in Ukraine. After the trip to Russia, the NRW parliamentary group had excluded Blex from their ranks. The 47-year-old senior teacher has been a non-attached member of parliament ever since.

Communication from the Constitutional Court