Thousands of people took part in demonstrations against right-wing extremism and the AfD in North Rhine-Westphalia on Monday. According to the police, 5,000 people demonstrated in Paderborn under the motto “Put the AfD on ice” against an AfD event with four members of the party’s Bundestag that took place in the city center that evening. The “Alliance Against Right” and the “Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance” called for the event. Originally only 300 participants were registered. Some streets in the city center had to be closed. The event was peaceful.

According to the police, 5,500 people took to the streets in Hamm on Monday evening under the motto “Federation instead of brown, together against racism”. The Alevi communities in Hamm called for the demonstration in the city center. A police spokesman spoke of it being by far the largest demonstration that had taken place in the city in recent years. More than 3,000 people took part in a demonstration in Soest. This was registered by the city’s SPD local association.