After a fatal fall of a cyclist over an e-scooter in Gelsenkirchen, the police are continuing to investigate the background to the accident.
According to the current state of knowledge on Sunday, according to a police spokesman, there were some indications that the scooter was lying around on the ground before the 59-year-old e-bike rider drove over it on Friday evening and fell. That happened on a shared footpath and cycle path, where the scooter “should not have been, as a rule,” said the spokesman. The cyclist died in hospital from serious injuries from a fall.
It was initially unclear whether people would have responded to the police call for witnesses on Saturday. The extent to which it is possible and permissible to determine the last person who rode the scooter and allegedly left it behind also remained uncertain.
We are always discussing carelessly parked e-scooters and possible solutions to the parking chaos. Many cities already have clear regulations, others are working on solutions. In some places, for example, there are collective parking spaces for scooters that prohibit parking elsewhere or limit the number of scooters. Elsewhere, providers get tickets for wrongly parked vehicles.