A number of municipalities have hired consultants to find savings in local support services to vulnerable.

the 26 municipalities use or are considering using private consultants to find savings in the social area.

But the method, as in several cases involving performance-related, may be in violation of the act.

Why has Ankestyrelsen asked the municipalities for an opinion to clarify the legality of the agreements. The opinion shall be used to assess whether there should be raised verification missions.

It informs Ankestyrelsen in a press release.

the Social – and the interior minister, Astrid Krag (S) believe that it is important to get clarity in the matter.

– I believe that it is absolutely essential that we come to the bottom of the case here.

– I is highly concerned, if there are municipalities that use the services of consultants to find savings of vulnerable people out from a method, which is built up around one or another form of performance-related for the consultants, she says.

When the case came up earlier in december, said Astrid Krag, that she would ask Ankestyrelsen about to go into the matter. It has now been done, and the minister is happy for the quick response.

the Althing has described how a number of municipalities have entered into agreements with private consultants, whose task is to review the municipality’s cases at-risk citizens, with the aim to find savings.

And in the vast majority of cases, the contract is designed such that the municipality’s payment to the counselors is dependent on how big a saving is achieved.

legal experts for the Althingi assessed that the cooperation agreements between the municipalities and the konsulentbureauer can be at odds with the law.

Astrid Krag will come to the doubts set out for life.

– It is the municipalities ‘ responsibility to make the decisions according to the act on social services. And it is the responsibility of the municipality may not delegate to a private consulting firm.

– We can not have, that there is doubt as to whether municipalities meet their responsibilities, says Astrid Krag.

The municipalities are of Ankestyrelsen asked to explain a number of issues.

This applies, among other things, what tasks konsulentfirmaerne is requested to perform. It should also be explained, how the companies work with concrete borgersager.

in Addition to questions about payment and incorrect decisions also on the table.
