Vice world champion Max Langenhan is unstoppable in the World Cup.

The 24-year-old sports soldier also confidently won the home race in Winterberg ahead of the Italian Dominik Filehner. Kristers Aparjods from Latvia came third in the single-seater competition. The three-time Olympic champion Felix Loch from Berchtesgaden missed the podium in fourth place.

For Langenhan it was the tenth World Cup victory in a row across all seasons. Nevertheless, he was not satisfied because he missed the desired track record. “It was my fault that it didn’t work out. I was just too bad at the start and also on the track. But I’m still happy that I won. That’s the most important thing,” he said.

At the start in Lake Placid, Langenhan won not only the single-seater competition but also the sprint competition, after which he prevailed in the World Cup dress rehearsal for 2025 in Whistler, Canada. In the overall World Cup standings, he leads the Austrian Jonas Müller by 120 points after four of twelve races; Felix Loch is already 198 points behind in sixth place.

Only on the World Cup track in Altenberg did Langenhan suffer his first defeat of the season at the German championship; Felix Loch was faster at the end of December. In Winterberg, however, the 34-year-old Loch was again 0.247 seconds behind the World Cup dominator from Thuringia. “I would have liked to be on the podium, but in general it’s pretty good,” said Loch.