Seven out of ten citizens are currently little or not at all satisfied with the work of the federal government. The value is six percentage points higher than in March, as the ARD Germany trend published on Thursday shows. This means that satisfaction with the traffic light alliance of SPD, Greens and FDP has fallen to a low for the current election period.
The survey also revealed that 44 percent of those surveyed would like more climate protection soon. In the opinion of 27 percent, however, the changes are already happening too quickly. A minority of 18 percent feel the speed is just right.
According to the survey, the Greens supporters in particular want faster changes: Three quarters of them (76 percent) express their views accordingly. But one in two of the supporters of the coalition partners SPD (50 percent) and FDP (48 percent) also expects more speed in climate protection. The situation is different for the opposition in the Bundestag: A relative majority of supporters of the Union (45 percent) and AfD (50 percent) believe that the changes are happening too quickly.
Heating plans go too far for 43 percent
Four out of ten eligible voters (40 percent) rate the regulations adopted for the installation of new heating systems from 2024 as appropriate. For 43 percent, on the other hand, they go too far. For every tenth they don’t go far enough. From next year, at least 65 percent of newly installed heating systems in Germany are to be operated with renewable energies.
The majority (56 percent) support the faster implementation of motorway projects that have already been decided upon; one in three (32 percent) rejects this. A planned increase in truck tolls is supported in roughly equal proportions (43 percent) and rejected (45 percent). A good one in three (36 percent) supports the fact that the EU wants to ban the registration of new vehicles with combustion engines that require fossil fuels from 2035; however, a majority (55 percent) rejects this measure.
YouGov survey sees Union clearly ahead
In a representative survey by the opinion research institute YouGov, the Union currently achieves 30 percent, two percentage points more than in March. The SPD remains unchanged at 20 percent. The Greens lose a point to 15 percent. As in the previous month, the AfD is 17 percent and thus ahead of the Greens. The FDP remains at 6 percent. The left achieved the same result, one percentage point less than in March.
With 41 percent, the traffic light coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP would not currently achieve a majority. At YouGov, 68 percent of those surveyed are very or somewhat dissatisfied with the work of the alliance. Only a minority of 26 percent said they were very or rather satisfied. 57 percent perceive the traffic light coalition as divided. Only 12 percent attest to a closed demeanor.
Nevertheless, most Germans do not believe that the government alliance will collapse any time soon. Only 19 percent consider a new Bundestag election “in the next few months” to be likely. 67 percent do not believe this.