In Germany, after around three years, there are no longer any nationwide requirements for protection in the Corona crisis. From Saturday onwards, the last remaining mask requirement for visitors to practices, clinics and nursing homes will also be over. The expiry of the Corona regulations at Easter was already planned from the outset in the Infection Protection Act. There are no longer any extra crisis rules in other areas such as corona vaccinations, entry to Germany and hospital discharges.
The Greens health expert Janosch Dahmen told the German Press Agency that the omission of the last requirements was a reasonable step in the deliberate, gradual withdrawal in recent months. “But the end of the pandemic-related protection requirements does not mean the end of the corona virus.” Many are still suffering from the effects of the disease. “Caution and careful monitoring of the situation will remain the order of the day in infection control policy.” In the healthcare sector, for example, “as patients, relatives or healthcare professionals, even without a mask requirement to protect vulnerable people, you will have to continue to be prepared to wear masks again and again”.
The long-standing state protection requirements were relaxed in several steps. At the beginning of March, all test obligations that last applied to visits to clinics or nursing homes were eliminated. At the same time, the offer of free “citizen tests” for everyone, which cost the state billions, ended. The once numerous mask requirements, for example in shops, buses and trains, are long gone. The federal states have already given up an obligation to isolate infected people.
Lauterbach: Pandemic “successfully managed”
In view of the stable situation, there are no major discussions about the end of the last nationwide guidelines, even if a few thousand infections are reported every day. Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) had made it clear that the pandemic in Germany had come to an end and had “successfully been dealt with”. April 7th, as the last day of application of the Corona regulations, was already included in the Infection Protection Act, which was supplemented with more instruments in autumn for a more critical situation. They weren’t needed.
Some other areas are now coming out of crisis mode:
– The corona vaccinations are being transferred to regular care. The framework for entitlement to free vaccinations is now a guideline based on the recommendations of the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko). According to a federal ordinance, vaccinations are still possible at health insurance costs if a doctor deems it medically necessary.
– For the 2023 holiday season, the already largely relaxed corona rules when entering Germany will no longer apply. The regulation expired on Friday. Former requirements with 3G proof as vaccinated, recovered or tested are long gone. As an “emergency brake” there were still rules for areas with new virus variants.
– In the case of hospital discharges, the same rules as before the pandemic apply from Saturday: clinics can prescribe services for a further seven days and no longer for 14 days. They can only prescribe medicines in the smallest pack sizes. Because after a short period of time, the practice doctors should take over the follow-up care.
– If you have a mild cold, you have to go back to the practice since April 1st if you need a certificate of incapacity for work. Because sick leave by phone, which has almost always been possible since March 2020, no longer exists. Health politicians, consumer advice centers and general practitioners are campaigning for a long-term continuation.
– The warning function for other users after a positive test can only be used in the federal corona app until April 30th. The application, which has been downloaded millions of times, will then go into “sleep mode” on June 1 and will no longer be updated regularly for the time being. But you can keep them on your cell phone to continue using electronic vaccination certificates.
Even without government regulations, patients can still meet mask rules at the entrances to practices and clinics – but in future according to the respective decision of the local facilities. Green expert Dahmen also emphasized: “After the pandemic is before the next pandemic. We should now start preparing and taking precautions.” This includes clearing the “reform backlog” in the healthcare system – for example in the use of data and digitization, the shortage of skilled workers or the planned comprehensive hospital reform.