In the tranquil town of Asperg near Stuttgart, nothing has been the same since late Saturday evening: two 18-year-olds were shot in a parking lot in the middle of the 13,000-inhabitant town on Saturday night. One died, the other survived badly injured. Exactly what happened is unknown. The police remain silent about the exact course of events for investigative tactical reasons. The questions of whether the perpetrator and the victim knew each other and whether there was a dispute have also remained unanswered so far.

For the residents of the Baden-Württemberg community, the act is incomprehensible. According to Mayor Christian Eiberger, Asperg is in shock. “This is a new dimension of violence that I could not have imagined,” said Eiberger. Deadly shots in their midst, that’s hard to understand. The crime scene, a gravel parking lot, was not known as a typical meeting place for young people, said Eiberger. He was alerted by the fire brigade during the night and got an idea of ??the situation in the early hours of the morning.

The police immediately formed the “Goethe” special commission with 40 officers, with support from the State Criminal Police Office. The authorities quickly reported a first investigation success. A special task force arrested a suspect at his home early Saturday evening. The arrest warrant was for manslaughter and attempted manslaughter. The suspect is a 20-year-old Serb who is already known to the police.

The officers searched the apartment and secured evidence, as a spokesman for the public prosecutor announced. He left open whether the murder weapon was there – just like the question of how the investigators got on his trail. Asperger’s will have to wait until they get answers to their most pressing questions.

The act of violence was one of a whole series of incidents around the state capital of Stuttgart, in which live shots were fired. According to their own statements, the investigators first checked a connection between the crime in Asperg and other shots in the region. However, a connection between the cases is ruled out.

Sources: DPA, ZDF, “Image”.