In view of the weakening economy, Green Party leader Katharina Dröge has invited the states to jointly finance infrastructure investments. “Many prime ministers, including the CDU, have already spoken out in favor of more investment and a modernization of the debt brake,” Dröge told the newspapers of the “Funke Mediengruppe”. “We Greens extend an invitation to the federal states to jointly set up a Germany investment fund for the federal, state and local governments.” The fund can be used to invest more in infrastructure and provide urgently needed economic stimulus, she said.

In their forecast, the leading economic research institutes had only predicted mini-growth for the German economy this year. Dröge said that important framework conditions for Germany as a business location had been allowed to slide for decades. “We’re addressing this,” she said. “Skilled workers and the reduction of slowing bureaucracy are what medium-sized businesses in particular need.” The German economy is strong, but it needs new impulses. Dröge referred to the Inflation Reduction Act in the USA. The program shows “what is possible if you act decisively.” The ten-year US subsidy package has a volume of $370 billion.

The transport infrastructure in Germany is dilapidated in parts – billions of euros will be needed in the coming years to maintain and expand the rail network, roads and bridges. Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) recently spoke out in favor of an “infrastructure fund” in which financial resources for rail, roads and waterways would be pooled for several years. He suggested mobilizing private capital for this purpose. The Greens have reservations about this.