During his visit to Beijing, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) agreed with Chinese President Xi Jinping to support a planned Ukraine peace conference in Switzerland. “China and Germany want to coordinate intensively and positively on promoting the hosting of a high-level conference in Switzerland and future international peace conferences,” explained Scholz on Tuesday after his meeting with Xi on the online service X. The conference in Switzerland is scheduled to take place in mid-June. Russia will not take part in this.

Scholz said he asked Xi at the meeting in Beijing to urge Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the war in Ukraine. “China’s word has weight in Russia,” Scholz explained on

Before his conversation with Xi, Scholz had warned of damage to the “entire international order” from the Ukraine war. The Russian war of aggression and the “rearmament of Russia” violated “a principle of the United Nations Charter, the principle of the inviolability of state borders,” said Scholz in Beijing.

Other important topics of his visit were trade relations between Germany and China and cooperation in the fight against climate change.