After the death of a three-month-old baby, the suspected father did not comment on the crime. This was announced by a spokesman for the Berlin public prosecutor’s office on Sunday. The authority continues to investigate, question witnesses and inspect files. The spokesman did not comment on whether the family of the 37-year-old was also questioned for “tactical reasons”.

The 37-year-old man is suspected of drowning his three-month-old son in a baby bathtub in East Berlin. A magistrate had issued an arrest warrant for the man’s murder on Saturday. He is in custody.

Source: DPA

Unterensingen, Baden-Württemberg: When lightning struck a tree at a tourist restaurant south of Stuttgart, three people were critically injured, including a child. According to the police, the eleven-year-old, a 43-year-old woman and a 35-year-old man were sitting at a beer table set under the tree on Saturday afternoon. First responders tended to the injured before they were taken to hospitals. A rescue helicopter flew the boy to a clinic. According to a spokesman, there were initially no new findings on the state of health of those affected on Sunday.

In addition, according to the announcement, a 40-year-old woman was injured in the incident in the municipality of Unterensingen, but not life-threateningly. Her children – a 4-year-old boy and a girl aged just under 11 months – went into shock. According to the police, they were in a bicycle trailer when the lightning struck. The rescue service was on site with a large contingent, including four emergency doctors. An emergency aftercare service was deployed to look after the first responders and eyewitnesses. According to the police, around 15 people had sought shelter in a barn when the thunderstorm blew up.

Source: DPA

Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg: In Mannheim, the organizers canceled the Christopher Street Day (CSD) parade an hour earlier than planned. Dennis Sommer from the demo line explained that there was thunder and lightning. “Safety first.” Thousands of people were affected.

Source: DPA

Bad Schandau, Saxony: A climber fell 25 meters and died on Hohen Torstein in Saxon Switzerland. First, the “Saxony Television” reported. The 60-year-old was on Saturday with another man near Bad Schandau in the Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district, said a police spokesman. It was initially unclear why the man fell.

Source: DPA

Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg:

He drew attention to himself with calls: A free-living parrot was freed from an emergency situation in Mannheim. The animal got caught in a gutter on Saturday because of a tangled cord, the police reported on Sunday. A local resident heard the bird’s cries and noted the plight. Police officers “carefully removed the string from the parrot’s foot, fed the weakened bird with water from a drinking bottle, and then released the ring-necked parakeet,” it said.

Source: DPA

Linstow, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: A man extinguished his car with beer after a car fire on the BAB 19 motorway in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. According to the police, the car caught fire between the Linstow and Malchow junctions on Saturday afternoon due to a technical defect in the engine area. The man immediately stopped on the hard shoulder. While his wife and two children got to safety, the father of the family also took a crate of beer out of the trunk in addition to the luggage and “immediately started the first extinguishing measures”.

According to the police, the fire was extinguished after eight bottles of beer. The arriving fire brigade disconnected the vehicle battery to be on the safe side and prevented the leakage of environmentally harmful liquids. The car was totaled, according to police. However, damage to the road surface of the motorway was prevented by quickly extinguishing it with barley juice.

Which: AFP.

Hemmoor, Lower Saxony: After a diving accident in the Kreidesee in which a woman died, the cause of death has now been determined. The 30-year-old appeared too quickly, said a spokesman for the Stade public prosecutor on Saturday morning. Then her lungs collapsed. The incident happened last weekend during a diving course in the lake in the Cuxhaven district. According to the public prosecutor’s office, the diving instructor and the woman’s diving partner are now being investigated on charges of negligent homicide. The woman’s equipment is examined for further investigations. First, the “Nordsee-Zeitung” reported on the autopsy result.

According to the police, the woman had complications during the dive at a depth of around 35 meters. Together with a diving instructor, she then descended to a depth of ten meters. When her condition did not improve, the instructor initiated an emergency ascent to the surface. Despite attempts at resuscitation, the woman died at the lake.

Source: DPA

Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg: A woman suffered an electric shock from a manipulated socket during a train journey. A stranger had pulled thin metal wires out of several sockets in a regional train that was traveling from Stuttgart to Karlsruhe on Friday, a police spokesman said on Saturday. The 35-year-old wanted to use one of these sockets on Friday, suffered an electric shock from contact with a metal particle and was injured. After arriving in Karlsruhe, she was taken to the hospital. It was still unclear on Saturday who had manipulated the sockets. The police took up the investigation.

So far, this was the only incident of this kind, said the spokesman. Railway companies were informed and asked to be vigilant. Police are advising travelers to check sockets on trains before using them. If a socket looks different, for example small metal particles and thin wires are sticking out of the socket, the train staff or the federal police should be informed. The manipulated outlet should not be touched.

Source: DPA

After the death of a three-month-old baby in Berlin, the child’s 37-year-old father was arrested. The man is suspected of having drowned his son in an apartment in the Neu-Hohenschönhausen district, according to the police and public prosecutor in Berlin. The suspect is said to have brought the baby in the trunk of his car with his parents to a hospital in Marzahn-Hellersdorf after the crime. According to the police and the public prosecutor’s office, resuscitation in the clinic was unsuccessful. The child was autopsied on Saturday night.

According to the public prosecutor’s office, the suspect’s family also includes a wife and a five-year-old daughter; they were not in the apartment at the time of the crime. The 37-year-old comes before an investigating judge on Saturday because of the accusation of a homicide. The investigations are ongoing.

Source: DPA

Hamburg: A 15-year-old went down in the Elbe and never reappeared. Despite a search operation lasting several hours, the emergency services were unable to find the boy on Friday evening, according to the police. The current was probably too strong on Saturday to continue a targeted search for the young person, a spokesman said when asked. Several media had previously reported on the incident.

In mid-July, a 16-year-old died in Hamburg while swimming in the Elbe. The boy’s body was not found until days after the accident. Passengers on a boat discovered the lifeless body in the water and alerted the rescue workers.

Source: DPA

Hartha, Saxony: During an argument, a man hit out with a toaster, among other things, and injured three people. A 72-year-old man was flown to a clinic by helicopter with serious injuries, the police said on Saturday. But there was no danger to life. A 68-year-old woman and a 45-year-old man were treated as outpatients at the hospital. The 39-year-old suspect fled after the dispute on Friday afternoon. He was placed in Hartha in the evening. Investigations into the background to the altercation continued.

Source: DPA

A dolphin had a lot of fun accompanying a water police boat on Friday off Rostock-Warnemünde. “Whenever the boat came, the dolphin swam alongside and jumped out of the water,” said a police spokeswoman in the evening. The animal obviously had a great fondness for the boat. The Rostock police published a photo of the mammal on Twitter in the evening

The spokeswoman for the water police, Petra Kieckhöfer, reported that the bottlenose dolphin had been in front of Rostock for a while and was always accompanying boats. “Our colleagues have christened the pinball machine.” The animal can also be spotted from the pier if you’re lucky – binoculars are then helpful.

Source: DPA

Moos, Bavaria: A 50-year-old was seriously injured when a hot air balloon landed in the Deggendorf district. As a police spokesman said on Saturday, the balloon took off on Friday evening, although the woman was still hanging on the outside of the basket. At a height of around ten meters, the balloonist was able to pull the woman into the basket, it said.

Because, according to the spokesman, the other passengers had not yet boarded, the balloon landed again. The 50-year-old suffered serious injuries. How the injuries came about was not initially clear, the spokesman said. An expert from the Federal Office for Aviation was consulted to determine the exact course of the accident.

Source: DPA

Around 60 animals, some of which are particularly protected, were found by emergency services in a family home in Essen and taken to various foster homes. According to the police on Wednesday, the veterinary office, nature conservation authority and the police combed the house with a search warrant for indications that specially protected birds were not kept. They found numerous bird cages and stables and a converted basement with free-flying birds during the mission last Friday.

According to the police, among the approximately 60 animals were dogs, chickens, ducks, geese, quail and rabbits, but also 28 parrots, which are specially protected by law and are generally not allowed to be kept. The animals were taken to various foster homes and a veterinary clinic, police said. The 56-year-old owner is being investigated.

Source: DPA

Hockenheimring, Baden-Württemberg: According to reports, a 31-year-old electrical engineering student set a world record with a bobby car at the Hockenheimring. Marcel Paul from Gedern, Hesse, achieved the “highest speed on a modified bobby car with an electric drive” on Thursday, according to the Hamburg-based RID record institute, which claims to collect and check records in the German-speaking area. The young man reached a top speed of 148.45 km/h with his electrically powered vehicle. A number of regional and national media reported on the record.

“With this, Marcel Paul improves the unofficial best performance of the Youtubers ‘The Real Life Guys’, whose e-bobby car had reached a top speed of just 66 km/h,” the press release continues. No further information was given about their vehicle.

Bobby car inventor Paul said that the world record attempt – which has now been successful – enabled him to combine his hobby of bobby car racing with his electrical engineering studies. He designed the small electric vehicle together with a fellow student.

Source: RID Record Institute for Germany / press portal

Berlin, Berlin: The Nature Conservation Union (Nabu) warns against expanding wind power in Berlin at the expense of nature. According to a position paper published on Thursday, new wind turbines should not be built in forests or in protected areas. In it, the association also demands a minimum distance of 500 meters from nature reserves and “shutdown times”: Wind turbines would have to be switched off regularly to reduce collisions with bats and birds – in which many of the animals died.

“The areas for conflict-free construction of wind turbines are extremely limited in a city-state like Berlin,” explained the first chairman of Nabu Berlin, Rainer Altenkamp. His association therefore fears that an expansion of wind power could lead to massive damage to nature and wildlife. “We need an energy transition that takes climate and natural crises equally into account and protects the valuable natural areas that we still have.”

Source: DPA

Dresden, Saxony: After the devastating fire in a Dresden waste disposal company, the police want to take a closer look at the fire on Friday. In the course of the morning, the fire brigade will hand over the fire to the police, as the fire brigade announced on Friday. According to the police, they will inspect the scene of the fire and determine the cause of the fire.

Source: dpa

Nürburg, Rhineland-Palatinate: Two people died during a commercial test drive on the Nürburgring in the Eifel. “One vehicle participating in the test drives had an accident in the Tiergarten section,” said the spokesman for the Nürburgring on Thursday. The police confirmed an accident with two dead. After the accident on Wednesday, rescue measures were initiated immediately, but the two occupants died. The Nürburgring canceled all tourist drives on the Nordschleife on Wednesday evening. In the so-called industry pool, companies and manufacturers test their vehicles and products on the Nürburgring.

Source: dpa

Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia: A fire broke out in a recycling center with old vehicles in the port of Duisburg on Thursday. About 100 tons of scrap were on fire, a fire department spokesman said. A prominent column of smoke can be seen beyond the city.

The fire brigade fights the fire with 50 firefighters. But there would probably be more because the fire was extensive, said the spokesman. A warning was issued to residents as a precaution. “Of course we measure whether there are pollutants that can be dangerous.” The immediate vicinity of the company is uninhabited, as the site is in an industrial area on the so-called “Scrap Island” in the Meiderich district. But depending on the wind direction, the smoke could also move on.

Source: dpa

Homburg, Saarland: A buried body was discovered in the garden of a residential building in Homburg, Saarland. A neighbor called the police on Wednesday afternoon because she had seen the body, which had been buried up to the feet in the ground, a police spokesman said. “At the moment it is not yet clear how the person died.” The identity of the dead person was initially unclear. It was “within the realm of possibility” that it was a homicide.

The investigators found two people in the apartment building, the police spokesman said. Whether and how the two are connected to the case will be examined. An autopsy on the body is scheduled for Thursday.

Source: dpa

Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg: During a careless overtaking maneuver, a sports car driver in Mannheim was trapped between two trams with his car. On Wednesday evening, he apparently underestimated the speed of an oncoming train when he wanted to overtake a tram in front of him, according to the police in Mannheim.

The drivers of both trams had to initiate emergency braking, but they could no longer prevent the collision. One of the trains even jumped off the rails due to the collision. The car that caused the accident was trapped between the two trams.

The 66-year-old was able to leave his wrecked sports car unharmed. However, one of the tram drivers broke his wrist. The damage to the two trams and the catenary system is estimated at six figures.

Source: dpa

Milspe, North Rhine-Westphalia: Shock at noon: A couple from Milspe (Ennepe-Ruhr district) accidentally locked themselves out of their apartment on Wednesday while the couple’s newborn baby was still inside. The two called the fire department for help, as the emergency services announced. The rescuers opened a tilted window on the first floor from a turntable ladder and then opened the apartment door from the inside. “Everyone involved came away with a fright,” the fire department said in a statement.

Source: dpa

Leutkirch im Allgäu, Baden-Württemberg: A stork stayed in a garage at the Leutkirch im Allgäu police station. Passers-by had called the officials because of the helpless animal, as a spokeswoman for the Ravensburg police headquarters explained. The stork was actually weakened on Monday. “He got scared and couldn’t fly anymore because of that,” said the spokeswoman on Wednesday. A stork representative who was consulted explained that the animal probably found the urban canyons too narrow to fly.

Two police officers and a fireman caught the stork and brought him to the station. There he was able to rest in a garage in a cardboard box. The next morning, the police released him in a meadow known for storks. The stork did not spend the night in the detention cell, the spokeswoman said. “For reasons of disease protection, animals are not allowed in the cells.”

Source: dpa

Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria: In the Middle Franconian town of Dinkelsbühl, the tower of the Nördlinger Tor caught fire on Wednesday. The tower is part of the historic city fortifications and was built around 1400. A city spokeswoman said a citizen discovered the fire in the early hours of the morning. The alerted fire brigade was able to extinguish the fire in the morning. The police estimate the damage incurred at several hundred thousand euros. However, an exact amount of damage cannot be estimated at this time. According to the city, the first and second floors of the tower were completely destroyed. The extinguishing work also caused water damage to the tower and outbuildings. The uninhabited tower houses, among other things, historical robes and uniforms, a historical guard room and changing exhibitions.

Source: DPA

Munich, Bavaria: A man wearing only underpants attacked several passers-by and federal police officers at a tram stop in Munich. As the officials announced on Wednesday, the 47-year-old hit several trams on Tuesday evening, insulted passers-by and stood in the way of the incoming trains. When the federal police arrived, he also attacked the officials and, according to the information, offered vigorous resistance.

The man, who hails from Naples, was apparently under the influence of cocaine. A drug test came back positive and a blood test was ordered. The federal police are investigating him for assault, resistance and bodily harm. He sustained minor injuries when he was arrested, but did not require hospital treatment. The man had no ID with him. His identity was established through a fingerprint. After he calmed down, he also gave his address. The station mission provided him with clothing. The federal police took him to his hotel near the main train station.

Source: DPA

Bothel, Lower Saxony: The driver was clearly too young: A nine-year-old boy took over the wheel of a car in a parking lot in Bothel in the Lower Saxony district of Rotenburg and promptly crashed the car into a tree. The boy and a 35-year-old man were slightly injured on Tuesday afternoon, the police said on Wednesday. The adult left the steering wheel to the child in the Bullensee car park in Kirchwalsede while he operated the pedals himself. Then the nine-year-old suddenly jerked to the right and rammed the tree. The police spoke of a “failed driving lesson”.

Source: DPA

The left-wing Antifa Frankfurt has published the private addresses of Hessian AfD candidates for the state elections on October 8th on the Internet. Names of Hessian politicians from the right-wing populist AfD were found on a map on a website on Tuesday. When you click on their rectangular profiles, residential addresses and short biographies appeared.

The message “The card is not working properly yet. Will work properly soon!” should refer, among other things, to the fact that by Tuesday evening a click on location symbols did not call up any further information. “It is long overdue to resolutely fight the party and its acting individuals. Together with you, we want to dispute the spaces in which they move as a matter of course, feel unmolested and think they are safe,” said the group of the left-wing scene . “Whether it’s a restaurant, club or workplace: anyone who wants to exclude, lock up or dispose of others because of a racist, anti-Semitic, sexist and anti-queer worldview should not complain about resistance and exclusion.” The AfD resolutely protested against it.

Source: DPA

Friedberg, Bavaria: A three-year-old was hit by a van in Friedberg (Aichach-Friedberg district) and seriously injured. The boy was out with his grandfather on Tuesday when the child suddenly ran across the street, a police spokesman said on Wednesday. The 33-year-old driver still braked, but hit the three-year-old with his car. There was no danger to life.

Source: DPA

Hesse: At least three bathing lakes are currently polluted with blue-green algae. “This is unusual for this weather situation, blue-green algae actually appear when it is hot and when the water is low,” said Winfried Staudt from the Hessian State Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology (HLNUG) in Wiesbaden. Accordingly, the Fuldasee in East Hesse’s Bebra, the Schultheis-Weiher in Offenbach and the Klein-Krotzenburg bathing lake in the Offenbach district are affected. A bathing ban was issued for the Schultheis pond, and bathing is not recommended in the affected lakes in Bebra and Klein-Krotzenburg. About a year ago, in the hot summer of 2022, blue-green algae were found in about a dozen of the officially 61 Hessian bathing lakes. The respective health authorities are responsible for the controls.

According to the BUND nature conservation association, blue-green algae can develop toxins. Contact with the so-called cyanobacteria can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions, and in worse cases nausea, diarrhea, fever or respiratory diseases. Dogs and cats should not drink this water either.

Source: DPA

Aulendorf, Baden-Württemberg: An alleged attack on a gas station in Aulendorf (Ravensburg district) triggered a police operation – but it was actually a bad joke. Whether this “fun” entails criminal consequences or a bill for the police operation is currently being examined, as the police announced on Tuesday. The alleged robbery was reported Monday night by a witness who saw a masked man enter the gas station. The officials approached with several patrol vehicles, but were able to give the all-clear quickly: Friends of the gas station employee had “joked” and wanted to scare the man. According to the police, the clerk found out relatively quickly.

Source: DPA

Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia: Because he wanted to pay for currywurst with play money at a snack bar, a 16-year-old was sentenced to several hours of community service by the Düsseldorf district court. As a court spokeswoman said on Tuesday, the young person should work 30 hours. He was convicted of selling counterfeit money and attempted fraud.

Accordingly, the 16-year-old is said to have ordered larger amounts of play money on the Internet. It was dozens of fake banknotes with an apparent value of more than 40,000 euros. The young person is said not to have initially planned to use the play money.

However, he finally fell for the “stupid idea” of paying in a snack bar in Düsseldorf’s old town with the play money he had acquired, said the spokeswoman. In March 2022, the teenager put a fake fifty on the table for two portions of currywurst and fries. In court, the youth saw his mistake. The verdict is not yet legally binding.

What: AFP

Füssen, Bavaria: The hunt for a runaway donkey kept the police in Füssen busy on Tuesday night. According to her owner, donkey Lotte had broken out again and ran through the city in the Ostallgäu district, the police said. The animal did not obey the police’s stop signals, and the officials’ first attempts to capture them were also unsuccessful.

Only when the animal fled into a backyard could the police catch Lotte and tame her with slings. The officers led the donkey to the police station and tied her to a tree. The animal was handed over to its owner on Tuesday morning.

Source: DPA

Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia: During a raid in the rocker milieu, SEK officers in North Rhine-Westphalia stormed the wrong apartment and injured a bystander. As a police spokeswoman in Bielefeld explained on Tuesday, the officers of the special task force broke open the door to the 35-year-old unsuspecting man’s apartment in an apartment building in Bielefeld. The man was slightly injured.

First the “Neue Westfälische” reported on the incident. According to the police, the 35-year-old homeowner and his 34-year-old wife were taken to a hospital as a precaution. The police regretted the mistake. The police chief personally apologized to the person concerned, the spokeswoman said. The incident occurred during a search operation about two weeks ago.

Gnoien, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Wind gusts snapped off a wind turbine south of Gnoien (Rostock district). Investigators suspect a technical defect as the cause. As a police spokesman explained on Tuesday, damage to one blade of the propeller caused a constant imbalance. As a result, in strong winds, the 65 meter high mast construction was subjected to higher forces than it could withstand.

The tubular mast then buckled in two places and the turbine and propeller landed in a field. Structural engineers also speak of predetermined breaking points in such constructions. The damage was estimated at around 50,000 euros. According to technicians, the wind turbine already had problems with the remote control before the wind picked up on Monday morning and could no longer be switched off.

There was no danger to humans, it said. As a precaution, the police had closed the adjacent country road between Jördenstorf and Gnoien. The other five wind turbines in the wind farm had been stopped, according to a police spokesman.

Source: DPA

Hamburg: A storm surge washed over the fish market on Monday evening. According to the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), the water of the Elbe rose by around 9.44 p.m. to around 1.5 meters above the mean high water level and thus spilled over the quay edges at the fish market. The police had already advised in the afternoon to avoid the affected area and, above all, to leave lower-lying areas, especially near the Elbe, as well as in Hafencity and in the port. Vehicles should be taken to higher ground. The police situation center sent the all-clear in the evening. The German Weather Service (DWD) initially issued a storm warning for Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg until Tuesday night due to the storm.

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), “Zacharias” was created by the merger of two low-pressure areas that moved from Great Britain and Italy towards Poland. The main wind field was over the southern Baltic Sea.

Source: DPA

Eggesin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: A 19-year-old was stabbed and injured in Eggesin (Western Pomerania-Greifswald) in a violent clash between what is believed to be two groups. The incident happened in a small park on Monday evening, a police spokesman said on Tuesday. As a result, two suspects aged 14 and 22 were identified. A knife that could be the murder weapon was found at the scene. The police were only alerted by a witness when the 19-year-old had already been taken to a clinic.

The 22-year-old was arrested as a suspect, and the 14-year-old was handed over to the youth welfare office. The background to the incident is still unclear. Each group should have belonged to about four to six people. The victim suffered a stab wound on his back, but is said not to be life-threateningly injured and initially remained in the clinic. All those involved so far are said to be Germans from the Vorpommern-Greifswald region. There is a suspicion of dangerous bodily harm.

Source: DPA

Schweiterkirchen, Bavaria: Unknown people shot a kestrel with an airgun bullet in Upper Bavaria. The bird’s injuries were so severe that it had to be euthanized, police said on Tuesday. A woman discovered the injured animal last week in Schweitkirchen (Pfaffenhofen district) and brought it to a bird of prey sanctuary. The police are now investigating a crime under the Federal Nature Conservation Act.

Source: DPA

Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia: The American bomb from World War II found during construction work in Düsseldorf has been defused. The residents were able to return to their houses and apartments after the defusing, as the city of Düsseldorf announced on Twitter on Tuesday morning. Around 13,000 people were affected by the evacuation within a radius of 500 meters. At 2:45 a.m., the explosive ordnance disposal service had successfully defused the find. The road closures were lifted immediately afterwards.

The bomb weighed ten hundredweight, i.e. 500 kilograms, it said on Monday evening. There were restrictions on train traffic. Rooms in two schools were open to affected residents, and bus transfers were organized for both. Numerous patient transports were also carried out during the evacuation period. According to the city, more than 800 callers informed themselves about the situation via the danger phone.

Source: DPA

Erfurt, Thuringia: In Erfurt, two suspected burglars opened the door of the resident of the apartment they broke into after he locked himself out during the chase. According to the police, the 21 and 26-year-old men broke into an apartment building on Saturday evening. They knocked and rang a doorbell to make sure the apartment was empty.

They then opened the door with tools. Contrary to expectations, the scantily clad resident appeared in front of the men, who then fled. The 39-year-old resident took up the chase and caught the intruders in the house. Unfortunately, the door slammed behind him, the key was still in the apartment. So he asked the young men to open his door again – which they did before the police were waiting for them in front of the apartment.

Source: DPA

Wuppertal, North Rhine-Westphalia: A 23-year-old drove a car into four girls on a sidewalk and injured them. The man lost control of his sports car on Sunday afternoon in the Heckinghausen district of Wuppertal and drove into the three twelve-year-olds and the three-year-old girl, the police said. The children’s injuries had to be treated in the hospital, but the girls were not in mortal danger.

The driver crashed his car into a house wall. “After an argument with upset relatives of the children,” the 23-year-old suffered minor injuries. Because he may have been on drugs, he had to hand in a blood sample and his driver’s license.

Source: DPA

Heilgeisthof, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania: After an accident in which five people were seriously injured in Heilgeisthof (West Pomerania-Greifswald), the police are investigating the alleged cause of the accident for driving without a license and negligent bodily harm. The 39-year-old is said to have got into the opposite lane with his van on Sunday on federal highway 109, where he collided head-on with a car in oncoming traffic, a police spokesman said on Monday. A family with two daughters aged 7 and 15 was in the other accident car. All four inmates from the Vorpommern-Greifswald district came to a clinic in Greifswald with serious injuries.

According to the police, the investigation revealed that the van driver, who was also seriously injured, did not have a valid driver’s license for the van. An expert from Dekra is now to find out why the 39-year-old suddenly drifted into the oncoming lane in the direction of Greifswald with the van. A rescue helicopter, four ambulance teams and several fire brigades were deployed.

Source: DPA

Toddin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: A car collided with a free-running horse on the federal highway 321 near Toddin (Ludwigslust-Parchim). The 56-year-old passenger was injured and had to be taken to a clinic, a police spokesman said. The horse did not survive the collision on Monday morning and died at the scene of the accident. According to previous investigations, the animal had previously escaped from a pasture and was traveling alone. The 53-year-old driver was no longer able to brake in time. He was unharmed. The car had to be towed.

Source: DPA

Pfalzgrafenweiler, Baden-Württemberg: A 31-year-old driver was fatally injured in an accident in the Freudenstadt district. As the police announced on Monday, the man was traveling on district road 4775 near Pfalzgrafenweiler on Sunday evening when he left the road for an initially unclear reason and left the road to the right. The car collided with wood lying on the side of the road, rolled over and landed on its roof. The man died at the scene of the accident.

Source: DPA