Many people do not like to discuss personal finances. A survey by the comparison portal Verivox and the dating app Parship shows that many do not even talk openly about money with their own partner. According to this, about every second person prefers to keep their partner in the dark about their own financial situation.

Specifically, only 51 percent of the men surveyed and 46 percent of the women said they had been open about how much money and assets they had in their last long-term relationship. The survey participants were a little more open when it came to salary: two-thirds of those surveyed tell their partner how much they earn. A third prefer to keep that to themselves.

The survey is not representative of the entire population, but reflects answers from singles when looking for a partner. 676 Parship members were asked to provide information about their last long-term relationship. If you asked other groups of people, you might get significantly different answers.

A population-representative survey by the Elitepartner portal recently showed that eight out of ten people in a relationship know about their partner’s income and assets. Around 70 percent stated that they spoke “very openly” with their loved ones about finances. Nevertheless, four out of ten respondents would like an even “more open exchange about money/finance”.

The open handling of debt was also explicitly addressed in the survey by Parship and Verivox. According to this, almost a third of the men surveyed (32 percent) and almost a quarter of the women (23 percent) revealed in their last relationship that they had taken out a loan. Since by no means everyone has taken out a loan, this rather speaks for openness on the subject, according to a statement on the survey.

Some respondents were particularly trusting in their dealings with their exes’ personal data. 16 percent of the survey participants entrusted the pin code of their debit or credit card to their last partner. 11 percent even passed on the access data for online banking. Whether they changed the sensitive information after the relationship broke up was not asked.

Sources: Verivox / Elite Partners