The first four volumes of the KiWi”music library” stage to pop music as a Biedermeier-high culture. A regrettable and retrograde step.

approach to Nick Cave photo: Geo Television

In the Orwell-year 1984 appeared at the publishing house Kiepenheuer & Witsch “Rawums.”, an anthology, edited by Peter Glaser. In it, the Text and image posts were found, among other things, Clara Drechsler, Rainald Goetz, Diedrich Diederichsen, and the painter Martin Kippenberger, whose world was trained in the decomposition of a desire to be seen in the fashions and styles of Pop.

survival pen of the paradigm shift that placed high demands on the author:Inside higher Reflection rate, so it is on the black cover. The characters setting point of the title “Rawums.” marks this turning point is already lexically. Glaser shuddered in the Preface (“To the location of the Detonation”) prior to the well-being literature, critical sensitivity have reached a stage, “in which you shoot with a telephoto lens to his own big toe”. A rejection of any Form of interiority, and the plaintive tone of the dominant high culture.

The old Plunder of the Eighties should not be glorified, he is mentioned only because in the same publishing house Recently started a “music library” is published which, unfortunately, precisely the state of mind gesture as a Pop is declared, in front of the Peter Glaser, then, has warned. “Our love for literature had always been a little sister: the love of music”, pre-sent KiWi-lecturer Kerstin Gleba. But it is that the overwhelmed has to be effected by pop music quite a bit Egalitarian in the understanding of culture: “Everything is instant, life becomes Moment,” has Klaus Theweleit describes this process changes aptly.

at Least four volumes are now in the KiWi-music library released: Thees Ullmann writes about a concert by the dead pants, Tino in Iceland is approaching the Australian rock star Nick Cave, Anja Rützel expressed their Fandom to Take That and Sophie pass man thinks with Frank Ocean over themselves.

In the tone of voice of home stories, a Mausoleum of the empty consumption is reported

recalls The handy book format the presentation of the material volumes to spending, the yellow Reclam Classics. Author:Inner-name cross-through which Showbahis the artist, the subject crosses an object. A bit of the arrangement suggests, as the author:would be equal to or even greater than the object about which you write.

“puberty is a drop of water on a leaf, on which a bird lands.” (Ullmann) “In December of 2016, I sat in a small chapel in one of the lower Rhine, a small town and decided that my funeral should be different.” (Passport husband), Two at the beginning of sentences, which show how Pop is currently for dwarf, where he advanced earlier horizons.

Tino in Iceland: “Nick Cave” (144 p.), Sophie passport man: to “Frank Ocean” (96 p.), Anja Rützel: “Take That” (160 p.), Thees Uhlmann: “The dead pants” (192 p.), all published by Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne, 2019, 10-12 Euro

Even if it succeeds on the first sets of all the four fibulae, in addition to reading, you can find much more than tiresome monologues about everyday life, reactionary provincialism, issued as Widerstandsakt and a one-dimensional interpretation of the first Person Singular and the omniscient narrative level, in each of the dust shell from the belly button as the Sensation is sold.

It took effort to make it Pop a site of social struggle. That he still offers today, a space for unconventional, artistic activities and interventions, is not a matter of course. In the “music library” has shrunk this achievement in the advertising space, in the tone of voice of home stories reported from a Mausoleum of the empty consumption. “I’m putting it in gear, give Gas, the Jeep judders up the slope.” (Tino Iceland)

Maybe it is also the urdeutschen Genre “pop literature” that out of the moving box, Pop has a rigid literary rules. In fact, there is in the Anglo-American space, no pop literature. What there is, is Fan Fiction, a pocket-sized, the was started, as Fans of Arthur Conan Doyle, writing in the 1930s, his own “Sherlock Holmes”Stories.

For over ten years, the series “33 1/3” for the US publisher Continuum exists, in the unknown author:Interior in addition to prominent writers on an equal footing about important Popalben writing and the ego nicely behind the object of research leave. And there are the British publisher, Zero Books, has managed with the mini-budget, current Popdiskurse in all facets, and thus the rampant anti-intellectual sentiment oppose something.

Tino Iceland has set as the author of the novel “So there,” and former club operators already stronger scent marks, and Anja Rützels journalistic texts about Trash TV formats are lustful Verdicts about main stream culture. In times, in which Friedrich Merz is felt all the call two days for the next “pop star of the CDU”, and it would be useful for “Pop” more in homeopathic doses, and the Sophistication is not completely under the table.