A 39-year-old man was in the spring killed before the eyes of his pregnant wife on a street in Vesterbro in Copenhagen.

the Police have got a breakthrough in a drabssag from may, where a 39-year-old man was killed by shot in Helgolandsgade on Vesterbro.

It writes Ekstra Bladet.

Thus were the four men on Monday arrested in the case.

the Day after they were made in a secret grundlovsforhør in Dommervagten in Copenhagen, where two of the accused, was remanded in custody.

The two remaining men were released.

Grundlovsforhøret took place behind the dobbeltlukkede doors – according to Ekstra Bladet because the police suspect that there are several medgerningsmænd on the loose.

because of the dobbeltlukkede doors has the public not been able to learn the charges against those arrested or their identities.

It is also unknown what the motive for the killing was supposed to be.

the Killing took place on 7. the afternoon of may. Here rose a masked man out of a car, went directly Cratosslot to the 39-year-old and fired several shots at him.

Among the witnesses on the street was the man’s pregnant girlfriend. The distance between the slayer and the victim was under a meter.

The masked man fled in a black Audi A4, which were subsequently found on fire in a field area in Sengeløse at Austin.

According to Ekstra Bladet, the four men were arrested during a large-scale action in several places in Copenhagen. One of those arrested in relation to the gang Loyal to Familia, which is subject to a preliminary injunction.

In Dommervagten was the accused, guarded by 14 police officers.

While the police through a half years has investigated only according to the district of Vesterbro, has the investigation led to another case of massive fraud with vat.

Thus, the suspect police according to Ekstra information the slew of fraud with vat. The 39-year-old was the director of a håndværksfirma in Glostrup, and the case of fraud investigated by the fraud squad.

In this connection, the police have seized the values of over ten million dollars.
