Vinca Wiedemann stops by the rector at The Danish film school after harsh criticism from students and professionals.

Vinca Wiedemann stops by the rector at The Danish film school after a period of harsh criticism from students, who have been calling for her departure and blocked the entrance to the school.

It informs the ministry of Culture in a press release.

the Students have been dissatisfied with Vinca Wiedemann – including that the education has been too academic. It has meant more instruction and fewer hands-on exercises.

– We are now in a situation where it was unsustainable with the distrust, the unrest and the chaos that was at the national film school.

the Turmoil continued to be there, and there was no trust. And it has dean so taken and chosen to withdraw, says acting minister of culture, Rasmus Prehn (S) to Ritzau.

According to Prehn, the dialogue with the ministry of Culture, that the dean has chosen to step back.

Already, in January, issued the students at the school a mistillidserklæring to Vinca Wiedemann, of which 87 of the school’s 96 pupils had written during.

as late as Tuesday of this week dismissed the Vinca Wiedemann to stop as rector in spite of the criticism against her.

She has not wanted to run up to the interview, but says in a press release that the situation “is no longer tenable, and that there is a need to create calm around the school of the future”.

– I am proud of the development, as the national film Mariobet school of denmark has undergone the last five years and want to thank you for the commitment that the staff, students, the ministry and the film industry has shown in the whole development process. The national film school will always be close to my heart, says Vinca Wiedemann.

the Criticism from the students has also received support from a variety of filmmakers.

264 filmmakers signed earlier this week a statement of support, where they endorsed the students ‘ criticism.

Prominent names such as Jørgen Leth, Iben Hjejle, Piv Bernth, Niels Arden Oplev and Nikolaj Arcel was among the signatories.

Students at the national film school welcomes Vinca Wiedemann is in the past at the school.

Spokesman Martin Anthon Sørensen says to Berlingske that “it is the first step in the right direction to make the education we want”.

the ministry of Culture has employed Bo Damgaard as temporary rector of the national film school of denmark. According to TV2 Fyn he expects that he can take over the post permanently. “Under no circumstances” sounds.

Bo Damgaard’s task will be to restore dialogue and trust between students, teachers and leadership at the national film school. In addition, as the students want, focus on practical exercises, says Rasmus Prehn.

Bo Damgaard has in the past worked as a consultant in the film industry and has previously been a director of FilmFyn and head of TV2.

There is also put a process in motion to find a permanent replacement for Vinca Wiedemann.

The first task for the next permanent rector will be to make a plan for the long-term development of the national film school of denmark, informs the ministry of Culture.
