The australian WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange may die in prison.

So cash reads the message from a series of doctors, who are seriously concerned about the health of the 48-year-old Assange.

It writes more than 60 physicians in an open letter to the british Home Secretary, who among other things has responsibility for the police and the national security in the Uk, Priti Patel.

currently Assange is imprisoned in a prison in south London by the name of Belmarsh. He is awaiting a hearing in February, where it must be determined whether he will be extradited to the UNITED states, where he is suspected of, among other things, hacking into the Pentagon and leak thousands of documents.

But according to the long line of doctors from countries all over the Europe and Australia, so should Assange be in a hospital where he can receive treatment.

In the letter reads among other things:

‘We believe that mr Assange has a need for immediate physician expertise, both of his mental and physiological health,’ it sounds it, before Betsmove it really becomes serious.

‘If he does not receive lægevurdering and treatment, so we are really concerned with the evidence we have right now, that mr Assange may die in prison. It is an urgency,’ says.

What, they exactly believe, Julian Assange fails, is not apparent from the letter. But the many doctors who have signed, do not believe that it is also important to health makes it possible for him to participate in a trial, says.

“When you look at how quickly it’s gone downhill with his health in Belmarsh prison, so should Julian Assange be transferred immediately to a hospital to receive qualified medical care,” says Dr. Lissa Johnson, who is one of the signatories of the letter, according to ITV News.

Although his health immediately is a big concern for Julian Assange, then he was in the past week, another big concern less.

It came to pass, as a much discussed voldtægtssag in Sweden were dropped against WikiLeaks founder, who earlier this year was imprisoned in the Uk after having been in the ecuadorian embassy in London for years.