Shakir emitted after an israeli law from 2017, which allows deportation of foreigners who support the boycott.

Israel is facing on Monday to become the first democratic country, which exhibits an employee of the Human rights organisation Human Rights Watch.

The american citizen Omar Shakir, who is menneskeretsgruppens director in Israel, on Monday sent out of the country, because he allegedly supported a boycott of Israel.

The contentious expulsion comes after that Shakir has made critical comments, in which he says that Israel oppresses the palestinians ‘ rights.

Shakir is expected to be sent out of the country under a controversial israeli law from 2017, which allows the expulsion of aliens, who supports a boycott.

the Law is aimed İllegal Bahis at foreigners, which supports the so-called BDS movement, which works for boycott and sanctions against Israel.

BDS activists say they are calling for a wide boycott of the israelis because of the treatment that palestinians get. Israel call the movement anti-semitic.

BDS is an international campaign, led by palestinian activists. The movement originated in 2005 and is inspired by the movement against apartheid in south Africa.

The israeli supreme court decided 5. november, Omar Shakir must leave the country. He is accused, among other things, to have tried to get the international football association Fifa to exclude Israel.

the EU and the UN has beforehand criticised the expulsion, and the UN has warned that “human rights groups have increasingly less space to operate in Israel and in the palestinian territories.

But the UNITED states – Israel’s closest allies – is refusing to comment on the case directly. A brief u.s. statement Sunday stated only support for freedom of expression.
