There were in 2018, used more coal in energy production than the year before. The figures are serious, think environment minister.

Last year the release of the Danish consumption of energy is one percent more CO2 than the year before.

according to new figures from the Danish energy agency, writes

According to the Dea report, in 2018 used more coal in energy production, which in itself was higher than the year before.

the Reason for that was emitted more CO2, among other things, that there was less wind in Denmark in 2018 – and thus a lower electricity production from wind power.

the Rasmus Munch Sørensen, enhedschef of the Dea, calls the developments a “slightly random bump in the road”.

– We get more wind turbines and more offshore wind parks, and our power and district heating become greener and greener, he said to DR.

– But it blew just slightly less in 2018 than normal. It does, that we must run a little extra on with the power plants, some of which are still running on coal. On Betmatik top of that we had to buy a little extra power from abroad.

environment minister Dan Jørgensen (S) refers to the DR of the new figures from the Danish energy agency for “very serious”.

– It is possible that there is only a small increase, but one must remember that we have a need for a substantial reduction. So this highlights just how busy we have, he says.

the Energy sector accounts for 70 percent of CO2 emissions in the EU-countries, so it is here, there is the greatest potential to reduce klimaaftrykket.

the climate minister dealer these days about a klimalov for Denmark, which is legal must commit not just the current government, but also the future, to reduce CO2 emissions by 70 percent by 2030.

Denmark’s total energy consumption increased from 2017 to 2019 by 1.1 percent. It is apparent from the Danish report.

Despite the increase, it was Danish energy consumption in 2018, with 4.6 percent lower than consumption in 1990.
