There are around 2700 alternative therapists registered in Denmark. But it is not all of them, who have clean flour in the bag.

At the Lotus Health Care in Aarhus promises, for example, that one’s mindset can help to heal a cancer.

“It is the thinking, which is hereditary, and therefore you get the disease. If you change the way of thinking, so you can actually make sure that it goes away. We have also experience with, but it requires that you really change. that you are being selfish.”

so says a treat from the Lotus Health Care for Ingelise.

It, which he does not know is that it’s all being recorded by hidden camera, as you can see in the top of the article.

in Addition, Ingelise not kræftsyg, but she gets to know of the treatment centre that she is. The mole Ingelise ask what they are at Lotus Health Care, you can help them with.

“I can tell you, how do you begin to take care of yourself. It may well be you says, ‘I can’t. It is too Dumanbet much.'”

“It’s your choice, but you choose just to be sick, though of course it’s a tough way to say it.”

Have you received treatment at Lotus Health Care, or have you had a similar experience with a second alternative treats? Then you can contact the editors at

mr Jesper Fisker, ceo of the Danish Cancer society, is deeply shocked that we convince sick people that a change in mindset can make them healthy.

“It must be you simply do not. It is wrong, and you are deceiving patients,” says mr Jesper Fisker to B. T. and affirms:

“It is a direct lie if you say that attitude alone can cure cancer. So, we find ourselves in the area where we refer to it as quackery.”

According to the director it is important that the political focus on the area. It has the minister of health expressed the opinion that the man will look at.

He says, however, that there are patients supplement their conventional treatment with alternative therapy. Cancer patients may therefore seek out alternative treatment options, but one must always consult with her own doctor before proceeding.

Lotus Health Care has not wanted to participate in the program or comment on the hidden footage.

You can see the ‘Channel 5 unveils’ Wednesday evening at 21.00, and you can stream it on Dplay.