The 25-year-old Dutch footballer Bernio Verhagen, who is charged with robbery, violence and threats, hoping to continue his career as a footballer in Denmark.

he says Wednesday afternoon, where he explains himself by a grundlovsforhør at the Court in Viborg.

“I have already spoken with another Danish club,” says he, as prosecutor Katherine Melgaard asks him about his jobmæssige situation.

Bernio Verhagen is not going into the details of what it is for a club.

He explains that the contract with the football club Viborg FF is one year and expires 29. august 2020.

“I have an agreement with them (Viborg, ed.) about to finish my contract, but it is not formally happened yet,” explains Bernio Verhagen.

He do not elaborate on the reason for the cooperation between the parties shall be suspended.

“If I enter into an agreement Kralbet with another club, so the contract will be completed,” says the footballer.

Viborg FF reported on Tuesday that the club has fired the footballer, as one feels exposed to fraud.

Bernio Verhagen, indicating in grundlovsforhøret, that he came to Denmark in October.

the Man, who is a Dutch citizen, have a 17 months old daughter in Denmark.

He explains that he would like to remain and work in the country, so he can see more to the child.

the Mother has custody of the child.

Bernio Verhagen is charged with having made threats against the child’s mother.

He must over the phone to have threatened his former partner’s father that he will beat his daughter to death and collect the child.

Bernio Verhagen refuses guilty of the charges brought about both threats, violence and robbery.
