Julefrokostsæsonen facing the door, and it has got Sydøstjyllands Police to make an official challenge to all the danes, who have thought themselves to enjoy a good schnapps or two.

For ‘sanity disappears as the intake’, which politikredsen writes in a press release.

In the message write the police also, that ‘bedsteborgere’ each year, comes on the edge of the law, because juleøllene tastes a little too good, and it then goes wrong.

‘It is not particularly pleasant to wake up the next day with a charge of violence or another violation. A charge of driving under the influence can also be devastating,’ reads the warning, which, according to inspector Michael Weiss is not meant as a telling off.

“We will in no way be moralizing or stand in the way of a super julefrokostsæson. Feast and Jestbahis be happy and you must know that we are there – in the nightlife and on the roads,” he says, among other things.

“most people know very well how they should behave, but is there anyone who does not know it, then we will act. And we are on the road, if someone should have forgotten to plan how to get safely and legally home from the christmas party. We are also there the next morning, if someone had to vent a afterburner. A good julefrost can keep surprisingly long,” he continues.

Politiinspektøren points out, furthermore, that a relatively small offence such as to leave the water on the street or other public places can make your christmas a extra costly, since it costs 1,000 dollars in fines.

“I know it,” he concludes.