It is nonsense, I will sell the healthcare system, says Johnson. Corbyn says he has detailed papers on the matter.

The british opposition party, Labour accuses Wednesday, the conservative prime minister, Boris Johnson, to be on the road to engage in a “toxic” agreement with the president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, about to sell out of the Uk’s cherished public health service (NHS).

according to the Labors leader, Jeremy Corbyn, as part of a trade agreement, once the british are out of the EU.

Corbyn has Wednesday shown 451 pages of what he says is so far to keep secret documents about the negotiations between the united kingdom and the UNITED states.

He says that this proves that Johnson is trying to throw the NHS on the table as a matter for negotiation in order to reach a trade agreement with the UNITED states.

– It is utter nonsense, says Johnson, according to Reuters.

– I can give You an absolutely firm guarantee that this is a complete derailment, that the NHS, under no circumstances will be at the negotiating table Betsmove or for sale, he promises.

the British need to choice 12. december. Here’s hoping Johnson to ensure an absolute conservative majority, so he may be able to implement the agreed divorce, he has concluded with the EU.

the NHS was established in 1948 by the then Labour government. It guarantees free access to public health care “from the cradle to the grave” and is a crown jewel in british welfare policy. It was a policy, which, since in particular, was copied in the nordic countries.

Corbyn has in the past referred to a summary of the negotiations with the UNITED states. But he says that it is the unedited version, which he now has in the hands of the. Here, it appears that there have been six meetings with the UNITED states on a trade agreement.

– the UNITED states require, that our NHS must be on the table during negotiations on a toxic deal, says Corbyn. He calls it the conservative government’s “secret agenda”.

– There has already been spoken about it in secret, and it can lead to a runaway privatisation of our health care system, he believes.
