It’s cold to be back here for the evening. At least for some.

An error on the district heating system has meant that Hofor since late Wednesday afternoon has not been possible to supply heat to more customers in the city. Among other things, with customers in Valby and Amager.

“There has been a fault on the transmission network, which is located around Copenhagen and distributes the heat to the various parts of town,” says press officer Christina Otzen.

She reports that the error has now been resolved, and that the Romabet heat is once again on the way back.

There is, however, a few hours before the entire system is once again filled with warmth.

“We expect that the heat is fully back at 21.Those who live closest to the core network, however, heating in the past,” says Christina Otzen.

She hopes, that people have been able to keep the heat in the meantime.

Should there be something that slows varmens return, it will be reported out at the Hofors website.