Denmark’s training camp in Japan was a political prestige project for the hosts, who paid a large part of the bill.

It was with a view to anything but the traditional training camp, as the Danish defense can also touch in the last week traveled to Japan ten days before the first match at the handball WORLD cup.

The red-and-white delegation’s stay at Okinawa archipelago was a prestige project for the japanese, who have spent huge resources to lure the danes at the training camp in the country.

It is the Danish Handball Federation (DHF) team he will play, Morten Henriksen, who has Kaçak Bahis Siteleri been responsible for the switch to the eager hosts, and the preparations have lasted for several years.

– In Okinawa they had specifically said: “Handball is huge here, and the Danish team is really good.” They had decided to try to get us to come.

They met up with a 10-12-person delegation in Brøndby, including the mayor. There are 11 other areas that have done something similar in the last two years.

– The japanese state provides a subsidy to those areas, which would be the host for training camps. There is a pride to have good athletes on the visit, explains Morten Henriksen.

The japanese hosts paid a large part of the cost. How much will the Henriksen did not disclose, but the japanese subsidies were crucial for the that there was ever a training camp.

– We could not make a six to seven day training camp anywhere in Japan, if we had not gotten help. It is some very nice amount. Japan is not a cheap place to stay, says Morten Henriksen.

Since the agreement on the Danish stay should be signed, had the hosts also piled a big ceremony on the legs. Both the mayor and the governor of Okinawa was present, and it was broadcast in japanese tv.

– The whole thing was very formal. At home we had just sent three to four mails back and forth, and then there would be a track on content and price, says sportschefen.

in return, the Danish players in the various events along the way in the seven-days long training camps, which ended Thursday.

Here, the delegation flew on to the WORLD cup-the city of Kumamoto, where Australia await in the opening match on Saturday.
