810 thousand dollars straight down into the liar.

Performance-artist David Datuna went on a Saturday afternoon into a gallery in Miami, USA, and ate an art installation, while a lot of shocked guests filmed it.

the Artwork consisted of a plain banana bought in a local supermarket in the american city, which was pasted up on the wall with a piece of gaffertape at Art Basel – gallery.

the Artist behind the work, Maurizio Cattelan, had recieved the 120,000 dollar-for-gaffertape-banana, as a French art collector had just bought.

Kunstsamleren reached, however, never to get pleasure from it.

It made David Datuna to return.

And it works not exactly as if he regret his action.

the Three videos he has posted on his Instagram profile under the title ‘hungry artist’.

“I love Maurizio Cattelans art, and I really love it here installation. It is very delicious.”

How he writes below the videos, where in the one hear a woman repeat, that ‘it’s so stupid’, that he eats the banana.

But it is not all who agree with her that it is stupid.

on the Contrary, there are several users on Instagram, celebrating his stunt.

“It is howling funny, that someone in the gallery call it foolish, to a man eating a banana. It is outrageous that a gallery like their sets a skodshow like this in the first place. Well done, David. Thank you for it,” writes a user under one of the videos.

Although the expensive banana now is consumed, it does not mean that the artwork is destroyed.

It explains the director of the museumsrelationer on the international Galerie Perrotin, Lucien Terras, to the Miami Herald:

“He has in no way destroyed the work of art. It is the banana, which is the idea behind the artwork. And it is supposed that the banana yet must continuously be replaced.”