Forward saw the light of day a month ago, and the party has so far collected 1812 vælgererklæringer.
the Party Forward after a month collected 1812 vælgererklæringer.
It illuminates the Social and the ministry of the Interior.
A party needs to collect over 20,000 vælgererklæringer to be opstillingsberettiget to the Parliament.
the Party founded by the former Liberal Alliance-profiles Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Beetle and Christina Egelund.
the Latter fill today, Monday, 42 years old. In this context, writes Ammitzbøll-Bille, who is the party’s president, on Twitter:
– Thank you for great friendship and cooperation to Fremads vice-president. PS: I know that the only thing Christina wants is vælgererklæringer.
The former finance and economy minister of the interior in connection with the election 5. June elected to the Danish Parliament for Liberal Alliance. But the election was a disaster for the Liberal Alliance in general.
The former ruling party went from 13 to 4 seats in the elections. Out of Parliament smoke, among others, the then party leader Anders Samuelsen, Joachim B. Olsen and just Christina Egelund.
Ammitzbøll-Bille began his political career with The Radical, and he founded some years later, the Bourgeois Centre, which was merged into the Liberal Alliance.
Forward is, thus, his fourth party. But according to him it does not hurt the credibility.
– I believe that it is credible, that I all the way through, have fought for personal freedom, for legal certainty, for the freedom to be different. It is also it, there is something of the core of the party Forward.
– I know that the normal party-political logic is that one must be sitting in a lot, whether you agree or disagree.
– But I have chosen the Churchill line, which states that it is better to switch party than to change the policy, said Ammitzbøll – Beetle a month ago, with reference to the former british prime minister Winston Churchill.