the Film “Resin”, which is based on the Ane Riels award-winning novel of the same name, gets lukewarm reviews.

The Danish actor Sofie Gråbøl is called paralyzed, wasted and a disruptive element of the critics of Daniel Borgmans film “Resin”, which is based on the Ane Riels award-winning novel of the same name.

In the film plays the 51-year-old actor, who among other things is known for roles in tv series “the killing” and “Nikolaj and Julie”, the obese mother Maria, who cannot rise from his bed.

In the occasion she is wearing a so-called fatsuit, which is a costume that makes her look puffed out. But it destroys her skuespillerpræstation, think more reviewers.

Sofie Gråbøl is paralyzed and the forum behind its layer of padding, writes Politiken’s reviewer Kim Skotte and gives the film three stars out of six.

Soundvenues reviewer Morten Kildebæk call her the costume for disturbing.

Sofie Gråbøl’s not doing anything wrong skuespilmæssigt, but she will be anyway a more disturbing element, because she is wrapped in an artificial, glistening fatsuit, he writes and gives the film four out of six stars.

At filmmagasinet Ekko believes the reviewer, Leslie Felperin, that it put all the pressure on her opponents, among others, Peter Plaugborg, who plays familiefaren Jens, and 13-year-old Vivelill Søgaard Holm, who plays her daughter in Life.

– a Poor Gråbøl in her costume is almost completely wasted and leaves Vivelill Søgaard Holm, Peter Plaugborg and later Ghita Nørby to pull the heavy loads, writes Leslie Felperin and gives three out of six stars.

The Danish actor has been criticized for dressing up as thick by, among others, the self-confessed tykaktivist Dina Amlund.

For the newspaper, Politiken, said Amlund, to “fatsuits are a form of compressed tykfobi, which is a repressive structure, just like racism.”

the newspaper Politiken’s reviewer justifies its three stars to the film seems too excitable.

– As a whole seems movie excitable. All relationships must absolutely be symbolically meaningful, and inflamed.

Soundvenues reviewer is generally satisfied with the skuespillerpræstationerne.

– Amanda, Collin, and Ghita Nørby is convincing in their different intrusive supporting roles, while Peter Plaugborg impresses as the loving but increasingly deranged father.
