It was Pia Kjærsgaard, in a speech spontaneously used the word “klimatosse”. Now it is named to this year’s word.

the Founder of the Danish people’s Party Pia Kjærsgaard used the term “klimatosser” of the people, that was the fault of the Danish people’s big defeat at the European elections, in 2019.

Now the word has been named to this year’s word of the Danish Language council and the P1-program “Wise language”.

But it was not a word, Pia Kjærsgaard had pondered over for a long time.

– It was very spontaneous, and it was not at all planned. It was just something that occurred to me.

But just as I had said it, I was aware that it got a hold of something, she says.

the Reasons for the choice of klimatosse as the words were, especially with regard to 2019 in the high level has been a klimaår.

A year marked by two Danish election campaigns, which massively had the climate on the agenda. But also Greta Thunberg has turned its klimabudskaber firm and has been named as this year’s person of the american news magazine Time.

Pia Kjærsgaard met a lot of criticism for the use of the word klimatosse immediately after the election, but she still stands firm.

– I maintain the word – and I mean it. But I can’t help but to laugh a little, it has been the year words. But I think that it hits very well for 2019 and the climate change agenda.

– You can settle into the history books in many ways – I have enough already – but now is also the author of net words, she says.

It was the word “unisex”, which competed with klimatosser to be year words. But the jury chose klimatosser, as the word that best describes 2019.
