In Switzerland, a naked man attacked and killed a jogger. As the police announced on Wednesday, the woman was attacked and fatally injured by the man in a park in Männedorf near Zurich on Tuesday evening. According to the information, the suspected perpetrator is a 19-year-old Swiss man. He was arrested immediately after the crime.

According to reports, passers-by called the police at around 8 p.m. because a naked man was running through the park on the shore of Lake Zurich, shouting and attacking other people. The emergency services then found “a seriously injured woman lying on the ground” and the suspected perpetrator in the park. Despite immediate resuscitation, the woman died of her serious injuries.

As the Swiss news agency Keystone-SDA reported, citing the police, the alleged perpetrator injured another person on Tuesday evening. What he used to attack people in the park was the subject of the investigation.

According to police, the background to the crime and the identity of the victim were initially unclear. During their investigation, the police want to clarify, among other things, whether the perpetrator and the victim knew each other. After police questioning, the 19-year-old should be handed over to the public prosecutor’s office responsible for serious violent crime.

The crime scene in Männedorf, about 20 kilometers southeast of Zurich, was still guarded by two police officers on Wednesday. After the crime, in addition to the police, forensics and forensic medicine, the fire department, an ambulance, an emergency doctor and a rescue helicopter were also on duty.