No people living in 2019 will reach to experience the full equal pay between the sexes – unless you were counting on to live on the 257 years.

It is the number of years it will take before men and women get the same wage.

Such is the conclusion of a new report by the World Economic Forum has released. The report explores how it is on equality in the entire world.

In the new report, figures show that the differences in the relationship between the sexes both in politics, education and health have been less.

However, gender equality in the economic field only gone back since the report was first released in 2006.

the Number of years to go before we achieve global economic equality is the only number that has been higher last year, showed the figures of the report-namely, that there is only supposed to go 202 years before the world could achieve equal pay.

the Report also shows that Denmark is significantly further down on the list of most equal countries in the world.

On the first four squares, is our neighbors: Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden, while Nicaraqua has taken the fifth place.

to find Denmark should, however, scroll down a little further, where we are situated on a 14. space, a space that, incidentally, is also decreased, since last year, when Denmark could be found on a 13. space.

In the rankings of the degree of gender equality is Yemen.

however, It is not only sad figures, the report can provide.

the Figures also show that 35 countries out of the 149, which has been ranked, equality has been achieved, when it for example comes to education.