Four days the Grasshoppers yet, in order to apply for the license for next season. Up on Monday, you must submit the documents at the Swiss Football League. You will apply for a Super League license.

Until recently, you consumed in one season about 20 million Swiss francs. After the descent last spring, she struck out the expenditure on 13.6 million and was expected to be a loss of 6.5 million. In November, managing Director Fredy Bickel has started to bend over the Numbers, and to deal with three scenarios: what about a Budget for the Super League, as the top of the Challenge League, and as, if the shareholders of Stephan Anliker and Peter Stüber really have no desire to further payments?

Obviously, Bickel and András Gurovits, the last remaining Board of Directors will have the Numbers under control. For the current season, the loss will amount to about 5 million. And for the new season to 3 million, because more savings are possible in the case of expenditure in and around the first team, with personnel in the Marketing or sports, for many small things.

Who covers the deficit?

But also the 3 million must be covered in the license documents with guaranteed Commitments. And that is why the question of how the Club is to succeed is. Because it is clear that Anliker and Stüber want to sell some of their shares of 45 percent. That’s why you have contracted Gurovits months ago in order to find a buyer.

Gurovits is very confident that soon a solution will present. But if the succeed in to Monday’s open. The main shareholders Stüber and Anliker so, but promised to cover, if necessary, the deficit again?

it is Clear that Anliker and Stüber want to sell some of their shares of 45 percent. That’s why you have contracted Gurovits in order to find a buyer.

“I beg you to understand that I can say at the Moment, nothing,” replies the lawyer Gurovits. As for the license, it shows but a Confidence that leaves one suspect: that the collateral for the new season are already assured.

How close to completion is it?

when will be the acquisition solution to fix? Anyone who has an interest in the Club? What is the cost to apply GC?

interim President Gurovits is extremely careful with what he says to the running process. He believes that any Statement could jeopardize the sale. And probably his caution is not about. As a lawyer, with its headquarters on Zurich’s Bahnhofstrasse, he is familiar with complex transactions.

was presented As a two and a half weeks Goran Djuricin as the new coach, could Gurovits only to confirmation by the rings that there was “potential donors”, with “concrete talks” would be conducted. “There are, of course,” not after he pushed, “I’m telling you, it will not give you, if it’s there. Because I would ruin my good reputation.”

Gurovits is extremely careful with what he says to the running process. He believes that any Statement could jeopardize the sale.

It should be three, even four potential buyers with whom he is in contact. The previous 70-day-President Stephan Rietiker has submitted a tender, allegedly with Russian money. However, after his sudden departure last summer Rietiker for GC and Gurovits can’t be the man of confidence. So the Chinese of Fosun International are with great probability in the first row.

Who is the favorite?

Fosun International? Since there is already something in the European soccer . The group, based in Shanghai, and the private owners made around 14 billion Swiss francs in sales. He earned his money mainly with financial transactions and investments, such as in the steel industry. And a few years ago, he discovered the game of football.

Guo Guangchang is one of the four founders, “Forbes” estimates his fortune at around 6 billion Swiss francs. And one of his friends, Jorge Mendes himself. Mendes is next to Mino Raiola, the prominent figure among the major football agent and advises his company, Gestifute, Cristiano Ronaldo or José Mourinho.

He has advised Guangchang also, to buy the English Club Wolverhampton. This happened in 2016. Since then, the Portuguese Mendes not be parked only mainly Portuguese players in the “Wolves”, among them the European champion Rui Patrício and João Moutinho, coach Nuno Espírito Santo, he has housed here. The Club rose up in the least thanks to the Mendes-customers in the Premier League and there is just very stable at the front of the midfield.

The business with Fosun and Mendes, the critics moved, however. The two sides are connected with complicated corporate structures to each other. This may also help to circumvent applicable rules. For example, that in England the game consultant has no influence on the decisions of the Clubs may have.

The business with Fosun and Mendes attracted critics. They are in League with complicated corporate structures. This may also help to circumvent applicable rules.

In an internal Mail, from the news magazine “mirror” as part of the Football-Leaks-research, published, writes Wolverhampton club chief Jeff Shi: “in view of the strong business position of Fosun in China, and thanks to the support of Jorge Mendes, we believe that we can improve the Club commercially and in footballing terms.”

it’s Fosun just about the money, when it invested somewhere? Or is it about the Fun of football, maybe even all about the Image? Obviously, Fosun wants to earn with in-game transfers of money and has set itself the objective to own football clubs on several levels. GC may not fit as a water heater, although the conditions after the descent and with the still uncertain stadium future is just good.

Mendes is not involved in the ongoing talks between GC and Fosun, apparently. The Chinese take in fact, the 90 percent share of Anliker and Stüber, it is not excluded, however, that the Agent is suddenly playing a role. Enough players he has in the Portfolio.

And what if everything explodes?

but What happens if the sale to Fosun succeeds in yet? And GC is also not equal to rising? If it is so, so, as always, in the last few years that are outside of the traditional Zürcher circles, no new funds are?

Then there are the Club still continues to be economical simply at a lower level than in the past. In the order of magnitude of 10 million, the expenditure would amount to then. For the Challenge League which is still a lot of money.

Until a few weeks ago, there was a completely different scenario, and not for the first Time in recent history: the Liquidation. It is from the table. And in the back of your hand Gurovits is still the possibility to agree with other interested parties.

Created: 27.02.2020, 06:43 PM