Five hundredth. This Mickrigkeit Mauro Caviezel missed his first world Cup victory. The 31-year-old Grisons is beaten in the Super-G in the Austrian Hinterstoder only from the Locals, Vincent creep Mayer. “The race was a very big challenge, the snow conditions are very different,” said Caviezel his journey in the SRF.

Martin and third podium finish in the sixth Super-G of the season, but has still something Positive. The Swiss is in this Winter, the most consistent rider in this discipline and the red start number captured, thanks to the second place as a Leader in the Super-G standings. Caviezel is new with 365 points at the top. Three points in front of creep Mayer and 29 in front of the previously Leading, Aleksander Aamodt Kilde. The Norwegian had to retire after a fall.

As the third was completed by Matthias Mayer from Austria to the podium. He lost eight hundredths of a country man Mayer is a Creep. the Beat Feuz showed one of his better performances in the Super-G and finished with just under a second behind the fifth rank. Martin and brother Gino was 10. (+1.94 seconds), Marco or Matt went to rank 14 (+2.34 seconds).

world Cup Super-G men: 1. Kriechmayr (AUT) 1:33,08. 2. M. Caviezel (SUI) 0,05 back. 3. Mayer (AUT) of 0.08. 4. Pinturault (FRA) was 0.24. 5. Feuz (SUI) was 0.93. 6. Jansrud (NOR) of 1.15. 7. Allègre (FRA) 1,58. 8. Casse (ITA) of 1.65. 9. Buzzi (ITA) of 1.67. 10. G. Caviezel (SUI) 1,94. – Furthermore: 14. Odermatt (SUI) 2,34. 20. Rogentin (SUI) 3,32. 22. Kristoffersen (NOR) 3,48. 28. Clarey (FRA) 4,15. 32. Tumler (SUI) 4,27. 33. Roulin (SUI) 4,28. 36. Man behind (SUI), 4,51. 39. Janka (SUI) 4,65.

discipline standings, Super-G (6/8): 1. M. Caviezel 365. 2. Kriechmayr 362. 3. Kilde 336. 4. Mayer 324. 5. Jansrud (NOR) 305. 6. Casse (ITA) 209. 7. Or Mat 203. – Also: 11. Feuz 142. 25. G. Caviezel (SUI) 50. (heg)

Created: 29.02.2020, 14:01 PM