they were very flexible in this season, the places, the unsubscribe, love to ski race. Usually the lag at the weather For the race in China Saalbach jumped in, Crans-Montana, took spontaneously, an additional exit to the program, Bormio, as well. Also, for the Val-d’isère, there was a replacement, and as in Hinterstoder on a Friday no the giant slalom, could be carried out, instead he found holding on the following Monday.

Now, however, all the flexibility is of no use. As the Italian Federation Fisi informs on Friday, the world Cup final of Cortina (18. to 22. March) due to the spread of the Coronavirus cancelled. This was the result of a crisis meeting of the Council of the FIS. The world Association wants to announce the decision until Saturday morning.

It was to be expected, and also if the Association would have remained in the implementation, would have held the race without spectators. So that was determined in Italy. Now the four races and the team competition will be eliminated in the case of the women and the men. In order for the season next week – for the men with the races in Kranjska Gora and ends, for the women who Are. These are the most important questions and answers about this decision.

it Was the before?

in a nutshell: no, there was never in the history of the world Cup. The Finals, in which the men and women in almost all disciplines to fight for the last points, have been held since 1993. Usually they could be carried out as planned. In Lenzerheide it came to Cancellations in 2011 and 2013 and not crashes of individual race, because the weather made. In addition, individual races were cancelled Sestriere in Bormio (2008), (2004) and Are (2001).

What happened with the races in Are, and Kranjska Gora?

The decision applies only to the big Finale of Cortina. In Are, the women wear next weekend, a Slalom, a giant slalom and a parallel race. A rejection is unlikely, some athletes have already travelled to Sweden to prepare. However, the Coronavirus has arrived in Scandinavia, Sweden is already one of more than 100 Infected.

Grim it looks for Kranjska Gora. The Slovenians want to unsubscribe, next weekend also races in the technical disciplines. The Italian North has to fight with the Virus to Kranjska Gora is situated only a few kilometers away from the border to Italy. It is quite possible that a further cancellation as follows. And if not, go to the races without spectators take place.

What does this mean for the Swiss?

Beat Feuz to win the small crystal globe as the best driver. That was before the cancellation of almost certainly he would have needed two races to go, only seven points to secure the hat Trick. For the third Time in a row, he gets this award. With the cancellation of Cortina, only the departure from the Saturday in Kvitfjell on the program.

hat Trick: Beat Feuz is the third Time in a row, the best skiers in the winter. (Photo: Keystone)

For men, the other decisions are still open. Mauro Caviezel leads the standings in the Super-G in Kvitfjell, nor of four competitors. And Daniel Yule is struggling in the Slalom, as before, the small crystal ball, is now only one outstanding race 57 points behind Henrik Kristoffersen.

With the cancellation, it was decided the Super-G standings of the women. In Are only the technical disciplines are dangers. So Corinne Suter has the Speed to Double on sure. It is located in front of Cortina 19 points in front of Italy’s Federica Brignone. In the descent would have Suter can already obtain no one more.

what about the other decisions?

The cancellation shall decide, in addition to the Super-G of the women and the departure of the men, no more discipline in advance. However, the most persistent pursuers of the Leading have only one last Chance to oust them.

And also in the overall world Cup is not yet decided. In the men’s Aleksander Aamodt Kilde, Henrik Kristoffersen and Alexis Pinturault fight for the highest award. The advantage of this is probably because in the case of Pinturault. The Frenchman leads and most of all the riders from the complete. But Kilde has shown that he can slalom giant.

In champagne rain: The output location of Alexis Pinturault (left) and Aleksander Kilde is better than that of Kristoffersen. (Photo: Keystone)

Also in the case of women, there are still three riders: Petra Vlhova, Mikaela Shiffrin and Federica Brignone. The Italian has a remarkable lead of 153 points on Shiffrin, Vlhova a further 36 back. It would have to run in the three races remaining, things go wrong so that you give the ball yet.

what is the status in the Nations ranking?

1031 points: So great is the advantage of the Swiss on the eternal rivals Austria. This would also be the execution of the world Cup Finals, one hardly has obtained residue. You may be sure, now, just a little earlier: Switzerland brings for the first time in 31 years, the Nations ranking.

Provided, with two double wins in Crans-Montana an immense contribution to winning the Nations ‘ Cup: Lara gut-Behrami (right) and Corinne Suter. (Photo: Keystone)

What are the discipline suffered in this Winter the most?

Before the world Cup final, everything is distributed pretty fair. The women deny not a speed race, otherwise, everything should be carried out as planned. In the course of the season, several races were cancelled, and most of the time replacement was found. Only during the race weekend of Ofterschwang, no new sponsor was found. In order for the Slalom and giant slalom are the riders who suffer. Each of the nine races, two have been cancelled. In the combination of the half, only two of the four races took place, it was not.

Who the biggest losers are?

Federica Brignone call after such a season, as the loser is completely wrong. However, it escapes due to the cancellation of the Chance to do another crystal ball, in the Super-G, only you could have been Corinne Suter is still dangerous. It Brignone should not be too important, ultimately it is a question of the overall world Cup. And so Mikaela is likely to be Shiffrin to the big loser, because your return in the world Cup is done, you should actually start in Are probably too late.

rarity: Mikaela Shiffrin will finish the season without a crystal ball. (Photo: Keystone)

not satisfied with the decision of Henrik Kristoffersen could. The Norwegian is instructed in a three-way battle for the overall world Cup more on his strongest disciplines, as Alexis Pinturault and Aleksander Kilde. It is assumed that this could be to get in the giant slalom and Pinturault in the Super-G more points than Kristoffersen in the speed races in Kvitfjell. He will probably ride the Super-G at best, many points would be a big Surprise.

Are there alternatives?

Hardly. The Swedish Alpine Director Tommy Eliasson said on national TV, Are would be willing, more race event. And with the Norwegian Association (Kvitfjell) is in contact. However, he also said: “We have not been requested by the FIS attached.” The Association would be thinking seriously to relocate the finals to Sweden, this would have happened already. And it remained to clarify financial issues.

Created: 06.03.2020, 18:18 PM