Matthias glarner swing king 2016

“is, of Course, not Everyday. But actually, it is crazy, you have to make in today’s time even an Outing. An estimated five to ten percent of the population are gay. The Sport is a cross-section of society, so it will be even more wavers than Curdin. I have absolutely no Problem with that. The resonant family can now prove that it is effective as tolerant as it is always. Hostile should come, it would be a relapse into the stone age.”

Arnold forrer swing king 2001

“to be Quite honest: I’m very surprised. I find that it takes an incredible amount of courage to stand up and to speak about it. A hell of a lot of courage! There will be spells, I’m sure of it. Curdin must be able to handle it. I think he will prepare for it. For me personally, nothing will change. I have in my environment, but also people with other inclinations.”

Remo cheese-making, team-mate of Orlik, 5 wreath victories

“I have the greatest respect for Curdins decision. Something like that takes courage. It is absolutely, positively, he makes this step. If you don’t dance according to the standards, there are some pages up on the roof: I have experienced in the swinging sports, this is experience Curdin well also. But one has to be the First power of the step – no matter in what ways. As the vibration people, is to deal with it is difficult to estimate. Most of the people are not directly when something bothers her. You go around the other way to find out more. But I am convinced that Among the athletes Curdins Outing will be very well received. Curdin, go on your way. On my support you can count on.”

Paul bird, Chairman of the Federal wrestling Association

“homosexuality is a common occurrence in our society, in all layers. Homosexuals are normal people, we must be able to handle in the oscillation also sports with such things. This can also happen in us wavers. There’s nothing more to say.”

Armon Orlik brother of Curdin, 17 wreath victories

“my brother outs, is the most Courageous thing a person can make. I admire him for that.”

Created: 07.03.2020, 08:30 PM