One was on the Friday immediately clear: Beat Feuz can no longer be taken of the downhill world Cup. The Berner is now bringing before the last season’s downhill in Kvitfjell, his third small crystal ball in the series.

That turned the international ski Federation FIS, but with a Problem: Where should you come to be so in the short term, the departure of crystal ball here? The FIS managers were without the crystal in the Luggage to Norway traveled, would have been planned for Delivery in Cortina.

Aamodt was the ball stolen

The Emergency was inventive, as race Director, Markus Waldner, told ORF: “We have tried a bullet in the short term raise. Aksel Svindal was there, but had no. We called Kjetil Aamodt, the they were stolen. Then we called the Henrik Kristoffersen. It is delivered in a rush, one that we can make a Delivery.”

the 33-year-old Feuz received at the award ceremony in Norway, a borrowed crystal ball of the Norwegian technology specialist, presented. The 25-Year-old had received for the victory in the Slalom world Cup of the season 2015/16. (hua)

Created: 07.03.2020, 12:12 PM