For well over a week Farije Ajeti has to cover a new work ritual: hair, with a hood, face mask tie, protective glasses, dressed in the protective suit to rise and conclude with gloves on. Exactly in this order. If you are standing in full uniform, every part of the body covered, looks like the evacuation of personnel after the reactor accident in Fukushima. However, you do not need to protect themselves from radiation, but from viruses. Because Ajeti is working as a nurse in the isolation ward of the city hospital of Triemli in Zurich, which has been set up for the Corona-treated patients.

Without the mask, the 23-Year-old is cheerful, engaging personality that exudes, with its upright posture high level of competence. Since the completion of their training, one and a half years, she has worked in the city hospital of Triemli.

she Has no fear of Contracting the disease? “At first, I was unsettled by the reports in the media already,” she says. Now you have no more fear. “I feel in the isolation ward to be safer than in a crowd of people outside the hospital, for example, in the train.” You go here there is no risk, the protection measures were even stronger than necessary. “A normal hygiene mask, for example, would suffice, but we have the safe FFP2 protective masks.”

Ajeti had already had to do with isolated patients, for example patients with Tuberculosis. For this hospital in Triemli several negative pressure rooms available. For the Corona-crisis of a whole tract with the fire doors was separated and secured quarantine zone declared. Only specially trained Nurses, Doctors and cleaning people have access.

Not even the teapot is allowed to leave the area

The Station had to be prepared in a hurry. “At the evening service on October 26. February suddenly came the message that we should build a quarantine area,” says Ajeti. “We immediately started to set things up to have processes set and information posters are written, so that everyone in the hospital to the regulations.” There have been trainings, meetings, and on the next day the first patient arrived.

no one is going to forced in the Department to work in the “red Zone”, as the insulating station internally called. The nurses may refuse the use. For Ajeti this was out of the question. “This is exciting, so something interesting I’ve experienced in my professional life, never.”

For an outsider, it is impressive how much responsibility the care team takes over in this exceptional situation – and how sovereign a young professional woman like Farije Ajeti deal with it. The logistics effort is enormous. No object is allowed to leave the isolation ward without disinfection. The Changing area is divided into a clean and a dirty side. On the right, the new protective clothing stands, on the left is the used, goes in a special cleaning or safely disposed of.

Ordered a patient tea, the helpful staff, the jug in the Changing area, where the nurse waits in protective clothing with a empty pitcher. The tea is umgeleert, so that there is no replacement of a possibly contaminated container.

Each step needs to be considered. “I’m not allowed to visit a confirmed case, to go after a suspected case, without using the protective clothes,” says Ajeti. Otherwise, it could lead to infection. You on the other hand, in a row, two confirmed cases had no change of clothes necessary.

patients will recognize them on account only on the voice

The isolation ward of eight rooms currently, but can be extended at any time, if the Virus spreads further. At the Moment, four confirmed cases are in treatment, the number of Suspects varies from hour to hour. A sick Person was allowed to leave the hospital and go home in quarantine. This is possible in certain circumstances, for example, if you live alone, the isolation rules precisely and the course of the disease is severe.

Not only Ajetis Department, but the whole hospital is marked by the Coronavirus . The emergency Department was expanded with a Container in front of the building. The potentially Affected will be checked via questionnaire and symptom clarification. The suspicion is confirmed, you will immediately receive a protective clothing and be moved in a secure vehicle to a cordoned-off rear entrance. The way suspected cases are completely different from other patients and visitors to areas decoupled. Thus, the hospital eliminated the risk of contagion.

so Far, most of the Corona are Infected in Switzerland, the young and the young do not belong to a risk group. This also corresponds to Ajetis experience. “In my patients, the symptoms are less severe than normal flu sick,” she says. The contact is marked by the protective clothing. “You recognize me at the voice. Of me you see through only your eyes through the goggles.”

On dealing with the specific Situation have no big impact. “We take a little more time for the patients, because they have no one else to Talk to,” she explains. “I don’t have the impression that you will suffer mentally more than others.” The Affected parties have the opportunity to take by phone psychological or pastoral help. “This has been made but only one Person.”

The Coronavirus accompanied Ajeti after work. In the case of Friends and Relatives, your Job is always an issue. All want to know what it’s like to stand in the middle of the virus the stove, whether or not there was a risk that they are infectious themselves. “A few do not want to meet with me because they are afraid,” she says, and laughs. You have to explain yourself everywhere, makes no difference, on the contrary. “Be afraid of all those people who are ill-informed.”

This article was first published on 8. In March, the international women’s day. On this occasion, we use – wherever possible – instead of the generic Maskulinums the generic feminine. For example: patients, instead of patients.

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Created: 07.03.2020, 21:14 Uhr