Italy from the blocks to its North, at the heart of its economy. The whole of Lombardy, as well as four of the ten provinces of the Veneto region, the Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and trademarks belong to from now on and until at least 3. April has been in a safety zone may only enter and leave, who’s “urgent” work motives. So it is in a new decree of the government, with the Italians trying to the spread of the Coronavirus curb. Affected 16 million people.

After a long crisis meeting of his Cabinet Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said in the night of Sunday the media that it was a “total Blockade”. Trains and flights will continue, even he does not “call on the territory of the Zona rossa”, the red Zone: “But Yes, the are very rigorous measures.”

Premier Guiseppe Conte announced the new decree in the night. Photo: Keystone

This also includes the closing of all museums, theatres, cinemas, fitness center, cultural institutions, swimming pools, and ski resorts belongs to. The schools, which was originally scheduled to remain until mid-March would have closed, will be open in the safety zone now, at the earliest, at the beginning of April. Specifically, the following provinces are in addition to the Lombardy meant: Venice, Treviso, Padua, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro, Urbino, Asti, Novara, Alessandria, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola and Vercelli. Banned wedding parties, Funeral ceremonies and religious processions.

shopping centers may be in the coming weeks in these areas only from Monday to Friday open. Bars and Restaurants can make on your own responsibility, if your premises are sufficiently large that the customers can at least keep one Meter distance from each other. The police can close a restaurant that does not comply with the regulations immediately.

And she may stop people who are traveling in the car, and ask why you are traveling – even if you move within the safety zone. For the whole of Italy opening ban for Pubs, discos and Casinos are also subject, for the time being, also to 3. April.

home before everything is blocked

He was aware of the scope of the decree aware of it, said Conte, the measures are unprecedented: “I carry the full political responsibility.”

the presidents of The regions of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna, Attilio Fontana of the right-wing Lega and Stefano Bonaccini, the social Democrats, were initially confused about the package. It is creating confusion, they said. Nobody knows exactly, what should he do now actually.

part of the confusion stems from the fact that in the hours prior to the Contes of the media leaked draft of the decree occurs through the power went. As a result, dozens of southern Italians living in Milan, went on to the Stazione Centrale, the main train station, to come quickly to your home, before everything would be blocked. Many of them had not even a ticket. Conte assured that family to be guides in case of emergency, is also possible.

and More medical personnel messengers

The tightening of your course appears to the government necessary because the number of infections has grown in the past few days, more than accepted – the Peak seems to be gone for a while.

The health system in the North of the device rapidly to its limits, especially in those hospitals that treat the Infected in the ICU. Conte announced that he had offered 20’000 Doctors and nursing staff from other regions of the country and private clinics to alleviate the stress situation. Humanitarian organizations such as Doctors without borders offered their help.

In the former military hospital in the district of Baggio in Milan can be treated up to 60 Infected. Photo: Mourad Balti Touati, Keystone,

at The Moment, 5883 cases of infection are known in Italy, most of them in Lombardy. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, 233 people died of or with the Virus. Angelo Borrelli, the chief of the national civil protection and the special Commissioner in the crisis, said at the weekend, the average age of deceased persons was 81 years of age. Men between 80 and 100 the most vulnerable population group.

Only two percent of the victims had been prior to the infection with Covid-19 healthy, said Borrelli. All the other were seriously ill, as you are infected, a large proportion suffered from heart and lung problems.

Borrelli, swore the Italians to a “Pact of responsibility”. It was time that the superficial dealing with the risk, as you could watch him here and there, to stop at last. As it became known, for example, that an old couple from Codogno, the probable original source of the virus spread in Italy, the decision to lock the local “Zona rossa” disobeyed, and to the Trentino, for skiing drove. Both are infected with the pathogen, and are now in Trento in treatment.

Sunday, the daily Pope prayer only in the Stream

infected has also Nicola Zingaretti, the President of the mitregiere the Partito Democratico and the Governor of the Region of Lazio. He registered on Facebook from your home, it is good for him, he fights against the disease. Since Zingaretti with many people was in contact in the recent past, were now also other politicians and Ministers under self-quarantine.

In Rome should give it a go on Sunday as another Premiere. The Vatican decided that the Sunday Angelus prayer of the Pope in front of the library is streamed in the Apostolic Palace in the world. Pope Francis will not show up for a certain amount of time at the window, the Piazza San Pietro is blocked.

Only the football is to continue – at least for the time being, and without an audience. The Milanese newspaper, “Corriere della Sera” writes that this is the right way, the footballers want to prepare the Italians but a bit of joy in these unpleasant times.

But for how long? The President of the players Union, the former professional Damiano Tommasi, has called for an immediate termination of the championship of Serie A, Italy’s highest League. Others think that a break of a month would be sufficient. Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora once again, the calendar should be retained, the games would simply be held in closed stadiums. Of the pay-TV channels he demanded that she turn off the encounters for all free, what they don’t like which make sense but not so much. The Association of chief finds, in turn, the championship could continue until a player would have tested positive for the Coronavirus. A single rich, then it will be over.

Created: 08.03.2020, 08:04 PM