The neck of an ox, the upper arms of the Oarsman, the abdomen of a Bodybuilder, thighs like tree trunks. “Well, I could have a property of him, it would be the diligence.” Kjetil Jansrud says, looking over to Aleksander Kilde, this is the epitome of an athlete, with a grin.

It is a cheerful conversation in November. Jansrud talk. Kilde nods especially. It is the role of distribution after the resignation of Aksel Svindal, the light shape of the Norwegian Ski team, the outshone everything is, because like the driver to win in his Wake so many races.

With him, the Rock of this Mini-speed team broke away after the world Cup in Are, and the light on the what was left: Jansrud, 34, Olympic champion, world champion, 23-time world Cup winner, team leader, is the new Rock. In the shade: Kilde, 27, a three-time winner of the world Cup before this season.

Saturday was the race, the first of two planned home in Kvitfjell, and the hierarchy is different. Kilde is likely to, according to his 2. Rank in the departure of trouble with the eyes get in all the Camera lights that were directed on him, the Flashes of the cameras, erupted in the last few days about him.

Carlo Janka is in Kvitfjell in the departure of third parties, Kilde, Second. (Source: SRF)

Actually, a duel was scheduled for Hirscher’s heritage

36 of 39 races are dangers, Kilde is now a four-time world Cup winner. And above all: in the midst of competing for the big crystal ball. Alexis Pinturault and Henrik Kristoffersen, these gifted technicians, both on-the-go in private teams: For them, a duel was scheduled to be the legacy of Marcel Hirscher. Kilde makes it a three-way battle. Also, because he drives in downhill and Super-G where he left off last season: in the top of the world.

In nine runs, he was Second twice and never worse than Twelfth; in the case of six Super-G he stood three times on the podium, once as a winner. Recently, in Hinterstoder, he retired on the way to victory. It rarely kicks become Miss. “The young people is easy to sense way,” says Reto Nydegger, the last six years coach of the Norwegians, since this season, head of the Swiss Departure. “He has made some stupid mistakes. Now he is much more stable. He has learned a lot from his older team-mates, especially in tactical matters.”

Reto Nydegger was Kilde, the Trainer of Alexander. (Picture: Anthony Anex/Keystone)

an All-or-nothing, that is how it was often the case with him. Too often it was nothing. Kilde: a stoick. Fits to the body, and bears witness to uncompromising be. In the case of the Norwegians let the young athletes make the mistake, the horns push-off, it is only important that you draw the right conclusions. The fact Kilde.

Amazingly, above all, his consistency in the giant slalom, in the above, a 6 is. Place in Garmisch 2018 lonely stood out. This season he has managed seven Try five times in the Top 10. This should also have something to do with the Material. As he moved in 2017 to Head and thus to the brand from Svindal and Jansrud, it was too much of a copy, Kilde was never right. Now he returned back to Atomic, “that was one of the decisive factors,” says Nydegger.

The man from the North seems to have a lot done properly. He is at the top of the overall world Cup, with 54 points ahead of Pinturault, 161 in front of Kristoffersen, to which Norway is a tense relationship, since it increased in a sponsorship dispute with the dressing. The 25-Year-old may not fit in with his belligerent nature and the exceptionalism with its own Team in the picture that is painted of the Norwegians – especially in the skiing world.

His Ex-coach says: “to Him be the ball-and-many would treat”

Kilde adds, however, perfect. When he speaks, it’s always about the team. It’s about how each other is driving, enjoy the successes of others in the Team and in the evening together playing cards.

The Norwegian Trio Jansrud, Svindal and Kilde (v. l. n. r.) in December 2015 in Val Gardena. (Image: Claudio honored/Keystone)

He tells what he has learned everything from the old hands Svindal and Jansrud, “how you react in which Situation, in Training, in races, in meetings with the coaches, at survey: I learn and learn,” he says, “I could already write a book about it”. And, he says: “no way to win Alone, it can be Fun. But to lose and then have no restraint, is less funny.” Nydegger says: “Aleksander embodies the community spirit of the Norwegians, have good handling, target oriented, ambitious, and extremely fair. This is the top priority in the Team. He has the support always. And I think that this ball would be a lot of treat.”

Kilde told on that day in November, how much he has jitters before the Moment, when Jansrud will assign. “I’m not ready for it,” he said. On the slopes, it proves just the opposite.

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Created: 08.03.2020, 09:23 PM