The 9. December 2019 begins with a small scandal. And he ends with a Revolution, which makes for coarse detuning.

On this day a working group to find the best mode for Super League with new twelve instead of ten Teams will meet for the first time. The round up of representatives of Clubs in the two highest Swiss leagues asks the same alder to the beginning of League President Heinrich Schiff to leave the room. The top of the Swiss Football League is not present on this day, the takes a fairly predictable turn.

At the end of the meeting, it is proposed a new League structure, which would draw the Swiss football map new: of 14 Clubs in the highest League, which would at the same time, the only professional game class. The abolition of the Challenge League. In their place are two semi-professional twelve leagues, should come, in which even the best U-21-team-Switzerland.

the clubs of The Challenge League are so incensed about the plans, that they withdraw to their representatives in the group at all, “with immediate effect the mandate”.

Just nine days after the Coup, the working group will be resolved by the Committee of the Swiss Football League. The clubs of the Challenge League are so incensed about the plans, that they withdraw to their representatives in the group at all, “with immediate effect the mandate”. So is it in the letter, the President of the League Schifferle and FC Zurich-President Ancillo Canepa on the day before Christmas eve to the 20 Clubs in the SFL to send.

Everyone looks first on himself

the representatives of The Challenge League that your League competitors are so angry, hot Lausanne and Grasshoppers. Your Yes for the abolition of the private League from your point of view is understandable. Of course, they see themselves as logical members of a new the game of the week class with 14 Teams.

their voting behaviour is also exemplary for the current Constitution of the Swiss top-level football, like the immediate dissolution of the working group: most of The Clubs are looking first and foremost for themselves. The great overall look of a don’t dare.

And so on 16. March will be discarded the next mode change, the was actually condemned to Failure from the beginning.

And so on 16. March will be discarded the next mode change, the was actually condemned to Failure from the beginning. Voting on the “Scottish model”, in the case of the twelve Clubs play in the top League, and after 33 of 38 rounds divided into two groups. In a is played for the championship, and in the other the descent.

It is a proposal born out of necessity. Somehow, the Clubs are not, in their opinion, still more than in 2017, as you decide on a company new mode ideas to develop. For over two years, the Swiss top-flight football has dawdled.

The new TV contract cemented the mode for four, five years

Now the time is of the essence: In the second quarter of 2020, the League has to start the tender for the new TV contract. And the TV stations want to know how many games, how many Teams can you transfer. The TV contract is put out to tender, is fixed, the mode for at least four years.

The Scottish model, but so many question marks and with Basel and the Young Boys so weighty opponent, and raises the question of why it is the only variant that will be voted on. Andreas Mösli about is how the majority of the clubs supporters one twelve League. But for the Manager of FC Winterthur is: “The necessary two-thirds majority for a change in the mode there is not. Because it is only Scotland or nothing.”

“The necessary two-thirds majority for a change in the mode there is not. Because it just means: Scotland-or-nothing”Andreas Mösli, managing Director of FC Winterthur

Others, such as tuna, President Markus Lüthi, places, more fundamental problems. Not at the Clubs but to the League top. In a letter to all clubs in the SFL, he complained of “insufficient derivation of quality”. And accuses the League, you’ve done a little preliminary work before you put the model in Scotland for discussion. The implicitly criticized Schifferle says only: “That is a contemplation of FC Thun, I don’t want to comment on.”

distribution and grave fights from fear of losses

The sound is exacerbated just. The Swiss top-flight football is in the rest of Europe skyrocketing TV money so much under pressure as well-hardly ever. A legitimate fear of loss brings distribution and trench warfare – and not limited to the League.

only the professional clubs in the SFL in a power struggle within the Swiss football Association (SFV) by. To all Junior national team, Pierluigi Tami, the new Director of the Swiss national team are new. Tami promises that in the future in the juniors-not more of the selections, training is a top priority to have but results. He represents the interests of professional clubs because the market is a multiplied value of a Talent, when it plays at a Junior European or world Championships.

How talents should be promoted?

What has seemingly nothing to do with the League reform, has, in the middle of one of their, as yet, barely publicly discussed the main problems: It’s the fight between the representatives of the youth Department at the Association and some of the presidents of the professional clubs. It’s about how talents are to be encouraged.

The FC Basel is not without self-interest, on the side of the trainers in the SFV. He wants the best U-21 Teams in the Super League are allowed to play Clubs in the Challenge League. And thus represents the opinion of many who are in the Junior area. They assume that the direct jump from the U-18 is in the first team becoming more and more difficult.

on the one Hand, because of the physical demands of the players increase. On the other hand, because of the 20 professional Clubs in Switzerland, with the current mode 14 to 15 constantly either in ascent or descent fight are. What you keeps in the tendency of inexperienced Teenagers to use.

It is also about the future of the national team

the talent but Play with the U-21 of your club as it is today in the promotional League or the 1. League, you would be missing the Matches, because Teams there are only 26 to 30 games per season. To little, to survive in the international comparison. So an Insider from the Association says: “in My opinion, a lot depends on how the young players to be integrated in the second highest League. Not least the future of the Swiss national ” A ” team.”

And yet, the participation of the Junior teams to the Challenge League has been discussed in all the reform discussions never extensively. The changes now. On Friday, for the first time convened a working group of the Association. You should develop ideas on how young teams in the Swiss League system can be integrated. Quick answers will be no. The proposals are expected to be in mid-2021.

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Created: 08.03.2020, 07:32 PM