learned As Enrico “Rico” Matossi on Friday that Curdin Orlik was outed, he smiled. “I found it cool. Especially because they all think that Swing is a sport with a bunch of conservative people,” he explains. Something began, it had been since the last Federal aware of, as it was called, that a transducer come out of the closet will.

The joy Matossis is understandable. The 70-fold wreath winner is also gay. In contrast to Orlick he expressed his sexual proclivities, but for decades. And as he said it his perimeter, then he had to find that all were surprised. No one has guessed it. “I was always a firm handshake. Not a gentle, you could tell that he was gay,” he says.

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9 years in #love many thanks for this ?????? time flies #couple #married #gaylove #friends #timeflies #happy #proud

A post shared by Manuel Matossi (@manuel.matossi) on

That Curdin Orlik in the world is not the “Evil” alone, because Rico “Matossi is” safe. “There are certainly some gay-wavers,” he says. “Come out of the closet, the not, but in the next time.” Why white Matossi not. And he also doesn’t understand it. Today would speak anything against it, he says.

But the Problem does not exist only in the case of the Transducers. “There is an active footballer, who came out of the closet?”, he asks, just to give himself the answer: “no!”. This is also the reason Matossi is pleased all the more that the transducer-the world has now, thanks to the Outings of Orlik of the glamorous football world, something advance.

“I had beautiful Girlfriends”

“Dear Curdin, I congratulate you on this step. I would have wished that I had had in my time as an active transducer is also the courage to stand in Public with my homosexuality.” This comment behind the Thurgauer on eagle’s Instagram profile, after the latter had been outed. The sentences appear thoughtful. Matossi says: “I would not have dared at the time.” A rural environment and a father that is categorized in the SVP policy, would have prevented a Coming-Out. He also didn’t want to admit to himself that he like men. He says: “I had beautiful Girlfriends.”

And not only that: Matossi was as a 32-Year-old father of a daughter, was for many years with a woman. However, he realized that the something was missing. Yet he kept up appearances. Up to the year 2007. Then thought it was no longer the 62-year-old from Eastern Switzerland. He was separated from his girlfriend, and lived out his homosexuality. Matossi slept with many men, he had a lot to catch up on what. Today, Matossi, the convinced during 15 years as a wrestling expert in the Swiss television lives, with his Partner, Manuel, in a registered partnership.

Matossi believes in Orlik

His girlfriend, he said in 2007 that his homosexuality is the reason for the separation. It was only later, he says. Also of his daughter, he had concealed it for a long time. “I would tell it in retrospect, probably sooner.” How Matossi Orlik has fathered a child with a woman he was Dating. For Orlick, his son is the main reason why he made his sexual orientation public.

see come to you this post on Instagram to

Sometimes it is best to get straight to the point: I’m gay, and I outed today in the “magazine” to the public. This step gives me the opportunity to live openly and freely and to no longer hide. Christof Gertsch has written my story, you can find the whole article as the Link in my Bio.

A contribution Orlik (@curdin Orlik) divided by Curdin on

“If this is really the main reason I don’t know,” says Matossi, and continues: “But the plays actually no role in this.” He just hope that Orlik could feel free now and the season focus. “It’s supposed to be the best season he’s ever had.”

Created: 09.03.2020, 05:31 PM