sports Minister Viola Amherd has been invited to a video conference. The Federal Council shall elect, in the meantime, this Form of communication in order to avoid a collection of media people, and to protect you and themselves in front of the Coronavirus. The title of the invitation with the result that all of the online portals, Push-send messages: “The Federal Council wants a Swiss football champion!”

The excitement is great, even the Swiss colour television is broadcasting live, five journalists and four experts sit together in the leutschenbach and discuss what could be the Federal Council’s message. You are at a loss.

Then, point 12 o’clock on that day in may, it is hot as in the summer, welcomes Amherd the Swiss population, and stresses that they all agreed, with the Clubs, the League, the Association, the TV-partners and also, how to you with a smile, says, with the office for economy and labour and that for the health. “On October 31. In may, on Pentecost Sunday, shortly before midnight, we know the Swiss football champion of the season 2019/20. We are all glad that we have found a solution.” Presents to you:

The football Champions 2019/20 is determined on Pentecost Sunday, within 24 hours, from 0 o’clock to 24 o’clock.

– All 13 that are still outstanding rounds will be rescheduled. A game lasts for 15 minutes. In between, there is a 7-minute break to set up the next teams. (Amherd shows a list: 65 games à 15 minutes corresponds to 975 minutes. In between each 7 minute break corresponds to 448 minutes). “To 23.43 PM so we know the new champion,” says Amherd pride, “it remains sufficient time for the Cup handed over.”

For this One-day-rest of the championship, has granted the Federal Council extraordinary credit for a small stadium on the Bundesplatz in Bern. Amherd’s called “the cage”, it’s supposed to have artificial turf in the Size of a hand ball field, bordered by a high Board wall, on the one hand it has space for the ten Teams with coaches, the media people (on thirty limited) and a Federal Council for the Cup handover. And because the game field is smaller, five-on-five play, but with the normal soccer goals to fall, “so many goals,” says Amherd.

hugs between the players is strictly prohibited. Spectators are not allowed, the SRF and Teleclub have agreed to broadcast for 24 hours nonstop.

Created: 10.03.2020, 08:30 PM