The day is known, that the Swiss soccer until the end of April is at a standstill, begins with a long Wait. It is 15.30, as the Federal Council to the Public and clearly emerges: As soon can not be used for the normality returned.

The Federal Council has imposed a ban on events with over a hundred people by the end of April. And because the spirit of the games can hardly be less people carried out, and the Teams with their managers rods alone to around sixty people, it is clear that the Swiss Football League (SFL) has been prescribed by the Federal Council, in fact, forced to take a break.

Should be able to take the professional leagues at the end of April to actually get the game operating again, you will have rested for two months. It is a interruption is longer than any summer and winter break.


affected is not only the Professional, the regulation also makes the implementation of games in the Amateur difficult. The Swiss football Association (SFV) announced today, the game suspend operation until further completely. This applies from Friday evening for all the games of all categories and age classes. In addition, the national team will organize after the cancellation of the four-nation tournament in Qatar, also no compilation.

The SFL writes: “The SFA and the SFL have made your decision in line with the General strategy of Switzerland, and, after consultation with the Federal office of public health. Football is according to the assessment of health authorities and the epidemiologists as a team sports with increased risk of Infection.”

What does this mean for the Clubs, you can tell Vanya abomination. The YB-managing Director, sits on Friday afternoon in his office on the third floor of the Stade de Suisse. He followed the test game the Young Boys against FC Winterthur at the bottom of the lawn in the Livestream, as it is the decision of the Federal Council reached. In a hurry, the Committee of the SFL, the abomination belongs shall convene a telephone conference call.

objective: to season, to play at the end of

The panel agrees that the Details of the further action on the occasion of the extraordinary General meeting of shareholders on Monday, will advise. The clear goal of the League and their clubs, it was still, to be able to play the season until the end of summer from sporting reasons, but in particular also because a premature termination of the season could be for some of the Clubs existence-threatening.

so it hits the clubs hard. And not all of them have a cushion like the Young Boys, who have earned thanks to revenue from the Champions League and player transfers in the last two years, a profit of around 17 million Swiss francs. But also abomination speaks of exceptional situations and that the operation of standing still. The CEO says, one has to consider, introduce short-time work. Since Friday, the employees are also encouraged to home office.

From Basel reports to the CEO Roland Heri: “We have confidence in this for all of the tremendously challenging time on the felt, great solidarity of all the FCB connected to the people and thank you in advance sincerely for that.”

But what happens with the players? Outside of Ticino, the Teams may continue to train. But does this make any sense in the case of a break from competition of at least six weeks? The FC Zurich reviews, the training operation will be temporarily suspended. The same applies to Young Boys who provide their players in advance of the weekend to avoid with the instruction to stay at home, Restaurants, and Bars, and to travel not abroad. The Bernese is superior even to give the Team a vacation. The summer could be stressful.

Constantin scenario

Because the Swiss football bodies and Clubs, the Conviction seems to prevail that the Uefa will announce on Tuesday the postponement of the EM 2020. An official, do not believe at all, it was already a done deal. This could offer the possibility to finish the championship in may and June. If, and this is the big question mark, the situation until then, clear has returned to normal is currently.

Sion President Christian Constantin is concerned that a crash of the season is like in ice hockey is a realistic scenario. He also assumes that the player will soon be sent in the holidays (“What will we do?”), and reports from the Canton of Valais: “It is becoming more and more complicated. I’m afraid that the break at 30. April once again will be extended, and the championship may not be played to the end.”

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Created: 13.03.2020, 18:18 PM