After the Corona-break in lower Saxony further relaxations. Many beaches and Hiking trails have re-opened. We have summarised the most important.

loose according to the Corona* break in the tourism holiday to lower Saxony beaches are re-opened however, the safe distance needs to be adhered to wall areas re-open for tourists

Göttingen – Suitable to good weather, there are lower Saxony further Corona -locker in the tourism . After a week-long restrictions, the people in lower Saxony have again more possibilities for weekend and beach excursions.

Corona-relaxations in lower Saxony: holiday – Baden in Cuxhaven Butjadingen allowed again

Since the introduction of the Corona-restrictions in lower Saxony in recent weeks, only Locals were allowed to enter the beaches. This has now changed. On the beaches in Cuxhaven, tourists since last week, and again welcome. “We currently have no limitations,” said Charleen Kallert of Cuxland-Tourismus. Also Strankröbe can be rented, but is popular due to Corona here, too, distance: at Least three meters apart in Cuxhaven.

According to Robert Kowitz, Executive Director of the tourism -Service Butjadingen (district of Wesermarsch), is not allowed, the Visit to the beach again. To ensure the minimum of, were built here in the 25-square-meter plots. This can use each holiday individually, whether with a towel, a Beach tent or beach basket. In addition, control systems are to be in the water set up.

Corona in Niedersachsen: holiday beach in North dike by easing back

Also, the beaches in Northern dike is accessible for everyone. “Bathing is not possible, if a deter the current water temperature of twelve degrees,” said Armin Korok, managing Director of tourism, and bathrooms in Norddeich. Also here the beach chairs can be rented.

This stand apart due to Corona is now five meters. “A security service that ensures that the baskets have no legs. He also monitors the compliance with the distance rules among the visitors to the Promenade, the dike,” says Korok.

Corona in Niedersachsen: holiday in Friesland, the beaches by the lock are re-opened

Also in Varel, shilling and Hooksiel (district of Friesland), may each, in compliance with the current Hygiene and clearance rules visit the beach. Day trips to the Zwischenahner Meer lake in the Ammerland district are also allowed again. Here, too, the beginning of the week have been delivered to the first beach chairs. These are now also available to hire – but at a distance of three meters.

tourists should note, however, that the beaches are not monitored at this time by lifeguards. Only at the end of may or beginning of June, this is guaranteed to most of the beaches. Also, the swimming pools to lower Saxony stay up to probably 25. May remain closed.

Corona-relaxations in lower Saxony: leisure – access to the Islands is limited

anyone Who patient wants to make a day trip of the Islands in lower Saxony, still something. The access is still limited. To allow chains of Infection to better understand, is to be prevented, the days tourism for a long time. Only long stays of one week are now possible. The Islands in lower Saxony the rules of the tourism during the Corona itself. Therefore, the arrangements and operations are different. Information on tourism can be found on the respective websites of the Islands.

Corona-relaxations in lower Saxony: holiday – Hiking in the Harz and the lüneburg Heath

for Hiking-Fans of lower Saxony has to offer back more. The hope is to tourists in the lower Saxony part of the Harz mountains tall. “A lot of leisure open offers,” says Carola Schmidt, managing Director of the Harz tourism Association. Cable cars were in operation, the museums to be. As long as there is no corresponding output restrictions or barriers by the authorities, shall be adopted, except the Hiking and walking in the woods in the resin is allowed again. The same is true for Cycling or mountain Biking.

Also, the Lüneburger Heide is re-opened for day tourists. It is also important here, the minimum distance of 1.5 meters apart. In addition, it is asked on the website about always carry identification.

Luisa Ebbrecht (dpa)

Further updates to Corona in lower Saxony are to be found in the News Ticker.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.