Without the Corona-Hotspot Ischgl would come to Germany, probably by the pandemic. A new study suggests that also sees the religion as a factor in the rate of infection.

In the Corona-crisis* Ischgl is considered to be a Hotspot in Europe. A study now reveals how strong is the influence of the popular Austrian ski resort on the Virus-spread in Germany was. There is also the question of the confession turned out to be a factor in the infection rate of . Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany*. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany*. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures*.

Munich – In the Winter, according to Ischgl travel, during the day, the ski slopes, down the boards, and in the evening, the celebration of life – so many Germans imagine your holiday in the snow. For many winter sports enthusiasts, a Trip to the famous and popular the ski resort in Tirol – so close to the German border – just when the white splendour spreads in the country. Because here you’re among like-minded people.

this year, however, the flip side of the coin showed, if masses are pressed tightly your leisure to enjoy and virtually around the clock crowds form. Ischgl became one of the first and most pronounced Corona Hotspots in Europe. Rapidly the Virus spread in the jam-Packed place among vacationers and Locals.

Corona-crisis in Germany: IfW investigates the influence of Ischgl, on the wave of Infection in this country

Meanwhile, Ischgl is already in as a Ground Zero decried. According to official data, 25 people have been killed, thousands of lawsuits to any compensation. Many of them had to go after returning to their home in quarantine.

How big is the influence of the super spreader Location on the wave of Infection in Germany , was as yet only surmise. Now the Institute for the world economy at the University of Kiel (IfW) revealed the results of its study. This bears the title “Après-ski: The Spread of Coronavirus from Ischgl through Germany” and is based on the basis of the data of the Robert Koch Institute from the 401 German counties. The worst fears are supported.

Corona-crisis: The closer to Ischgl, the higher the risk of infection

So the “geographical proximity to Ischgl in Tirol will” as “one of the major risk factors for a relatively high rate of infection” in the German population considered. Further, the researchers noted: “districts, the Location of Ischgl are closer to the so-called super-spreaders, have been removed systematically higher infection rates as more.”

Gabriel Felbermayr, President of the Institute, is in terms of Ischgl concrete: “a by ten percent a shorter period of trip to Ischgl, increases the rate of infection in an average of nine percent .” This also meant: “Subject to all the German districts as far away from Ischgl as the County Vorpommern-Ruegen, there would be in Germany, nearly 50 percent fewer infections with the Coronavirus.”

Corona-crisis in Germany: No other Hotspot has to have similar influence

a comparison value, had also been also below the Corona-crisis creaking regions Heinsberg and Mulhouse/Grand-Est at the German-French border on their effect on the Virus-spread in the Federal Republic of Germany investigated. It is, however, “there is no comparable geographical influence on the infection to happen in Germany,” revealed.

For Felbermayr in this context is not interesting, “the distance to Ischgl is in the course of time for the observed cases is irrelevant”. Which indicates, in turn, to the fact that the Lockdown measures* would have led to a lower mobility of citizens and, therefore, a further Corona-proliferation is counteracted. “After the initial infections caused by returning skiers there was no further geographical spread,” says IfW-chief.

+ investigated with his colleagues the impact of Ischgl on the Corona pandemic in Germany: Gabriel Felbermayr, President of the IfW’s.©dpa / Romy Vinogradova

Ischgl and the Corona propagation: Also in Denmark and Sweden, the ski resort of influence

Not only in Germany would have come without the Ischgl-cases is probably significantly lower it. Data from the 20 would have. March shows “that could be led to a third of all cases in Denmark and one-sixth of all cases in Sweden to Ischgl and back”. Because Ischgl acted for too long as a virus slingshot: Already on 5. In March the site had been classified as a risk area , up to the introduction of the first quarantine measures* passed, therefore, but a further nine days.

What struck the researchers in the investigation of the Corona-spread as well: Their degree was also influenced by the percentage of the Catholic population . For this, Felbermayr has a logical explanation: “The Catholic culture seems to increase the number of cases is probably due to the many carnival at the end of February to celebrate .” Especially in the already mentioned North Rhine-Westphalia, Heinsberg should have put one of the revellers-the event for a long time hardly einzudämm the end of chain of infection in gear.

Corona-crisis in Germany: the Case of mortality rates in Ischgl is not a factor

However, the researchers were able to other factors”, such as the trade links to China, the age structure, the proportion of foreigners, or a ‘Home-Office-Index‘ “ no influence on the Corona-pandemic evidence.

During Ischgl a special effect on the rate of infection is not attributable to either, this applies for the mortality rate . Here are the most important factors of proportion of over-65-Year-olds and the number of hospital beds* be .

Corona: regions in Germany by Virus “very different

however, be that the circles and circle-free cities affected in Germany “very different from the Corona-pandemic” . This is true both in terms of the infection, as well as the mortality rate.

The conclusion of the IfW: The international tourism the picture infectious is “an important factor for the spread of diseases”. Therefore, rates of timely travel bans face. When it comes to particularly popular destinations, which can quickly assume the properties of a super-spreader. As in Ischgl happen.

Meanwhile, to be provided during the Corona-crisis cyclists more space. More on this in the following Video.

*merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.
