, The market municipality Glonn shows a climate-aware. They built on the roof of the middle school to have a solar system. The Cost: 31 000 Euro.

Glonn – The market town of Glonn is shown climate-aware and built a photovoltaic system on the roof of the middle school building. At the request of the Green had been caught up in 2019 by the administration, a cost estimate, which was 51 000 Euro is very high and for economic reasons, first of all, rejected. In the recent meeting of the market supervisor, the procurement of the PV system, municipal Council is now the lowest bidder for almost 31 000 Euro.

preliminary work on the roof cost 11 000 euros

Before the system is installed, is preparing a carpentry operation, the roof of the middle school. There was an offer of just under 11 000 Euro. Peter Gröbmayr (CSU, 2. Mayor) earned across all parties and lists praise for his successful use as a resourceful construction professional with the following result: In the case of a direct purchase of the roof tiles, and in the case of a mounting on the Director, the cost could be reduced probably by around 3000 Euro.

The lower construction costs to make the operation of the plant to cover costs

to lease for legal reasons, the municipality operates the plant itself, instead of the roof to a third party. The lower construction costs to make the operation of the plant to cover costs. The spokesperson of the clubs in glonn Green, Fritz Gerneth, expressed his joy over the decision of the panel, the 30 kWp photovoltaic system to build. More Gerneth stressed that a decision against the plant would have been the clubs in glonn citizens hardly more employable.

“that’s One small step for the regional climate neutrality”

The Green-chief referred to the meeting of the municipality Council in mid-December 2019, in the panel with a clear majority to the total societal responsibility for mitigating the global climate crisis has had, and decided to to take into account the impact on the climate when making their decisions even more. “By the power generated – enough for seven to eight average households – this plant is another, albeit small, step towards regional climate neutrality. More to follow, for it will make the Greens continue to be strong,“ said Gerneth.