After the world Cup began for the floor to protect the time of uncertainty. Now a piece of normality back into view.

Peiting – How many others have the floor, do not protect in the Corona-crisis easily. The world Cup in rain have brought them in early March, just about the stage, but then it was only announced once and Pause. “With a heavy heart”, says Christian Lindner, Chairman of the Curling world Federation, had to be cancelled, the major Championships for this summer. To the Sport in spite of the contact block, and output limitations are not to remain completely remote, and took numerous floor to protect a Challenge to implement the athletes, creative – a athlete of the TSV Peiting.

On the Champions League the floor to protect the TSV Peiting have to do without this year. As travel warnings persist, was not a holding of the games in which Teams from several Nations to participate, possible. In the coming year will then start but the teams that would have been a heuer in the process. Because the national Championships are also. The qualification tournaments in the counties and districts could be organized at short notice. In addition to the major events and numerous smaller tournaments will not take place this year.

It can be re-trained

at Least the floor can exercise protect for a couple of weeks back. “It is played on the outdoor tracks, however, only two-against-two, the distance is adhered to, and the Daube with only the feet touching,” says Lindner on the team training of the TSV Peiting. In addition, the Peitinger free to leave any second.

From the 8. June is back again and with more people played indoors. This means that classic four-on-four is then possible again. The distance rules apply, but still. “We have no Problem, but are virtually predestined for it,” says Lindner on the floor sports.

Great revenue missing due to the break

The world Association Chairman is keen to start as soon as possible with competitions. “My concern is that if the Pause lasts longer, loses one or the other, the desire for the floor to shoot,” he says. Thus, there is a victory and defeat, should be a training round, with two Clubs competing against each other.

furthermore, Lindner has the financial position in the stick sport. Due to the cancellation of the big competitions valuable revenue from the sale of the floor seal away the world Federation. Between 100 000 and 120 000 euros, the sale make, according to Lindner semi-annually. “And the large expenditures we have made with the world Cup this year,” he says. Happy the floor protect can appreciate to have the seat of the world Federation in Switzerland.

Mass Challenge makes the rounds

the Swiss Federal Council would like to support with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), around 60 international sports federations based in the country through loans. “Thank God,” says Lindner, otherwise the floor would protect it does not last long. The IOC should contribute to around 50 per cent of the expenditure. From loan FIFA and UEFA are with the exception of “as the financial most powerful organizations,” says a message. In addition to the floor, the world associations of Cycling, Basketball, ice hockey and Triathlon in Switzerland are to be protected, for example, is home to.

the floor to protect themselves from the Corona-crisis, but not let it throw you, and a strong Community, as they demonstrated with the “Mass Challenge” on Facebook. Björn Kroll, owner of the floor sporting goods online shop “eisstock24” from Frieding (Andechs), had launched the Challenge on his Facebook page to life. The task was to place two sticks in a row from 25 feet away in a circa 70 times 70 centimeters large painted square. The participants recorded their earnings in a Video, loaded it to Facebook high and is nominated for more athletes to do the same.

Great participation in the Online competition

+ As the railway served to laugh Mayer a garage.©Screenshot/Private Video

“Overall, we have seen around 250 Videos,” says Kroll. Nearly 4000 floor protect worldwide were nominated for the task. So there was, for example, Videos from Canada and Brazil. “It was a nice action, and so many of Videos on the floor to shoot there before,” says Kroll, who had, however, “a lot of work” with it.

Also Ulrike laugh Mayer from the TSV Peiting has participated in the “Mass challenge”. And for this, you could come up with something special: The Peitingerin shot your floor namely a ramp in a stream. There you had placed your target field. A couple of Attempts needed to laugh Mayer, but finally, she managed to sink two sticks in a row on the ramp in the target area. To the final she didn’t make it but.

Thurner-brothers from securing the victory

The victory of the five candidates with the most “Likes”on their Videos among themselves. Five Curling experts who constituted the Jury, which also heard Christian Lindner, and awarded ten points for first place, eight points for second place and so on. The points of the judges were added. At the end of the Thurner-brothers from Zang mountain (Kreis Mühldorf am Inn) with 40 points to go through to the place. Thus, Christian, Tobias, and Stefan Thurner of the HLS stocksport money donated to the victory stick, which was manufactured in a own Design for the “Mass challenge” secured.

“There were a lot of funny Videos with it”, says Christian Lindner. And the floor had to protect in the competition-free Corona-time is a pleasant change.

also read:

At the world Cup in rain cleaned up the Peitinger neat.